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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. Let me see if I have this straight, Claiming one group is privileged is racist (Nazi sympathy, even), but denying that another group is privileged is also racist? Can you reconcile these principles?
  2. I thought that's what we were doing now, or is that only for Gavin McInnes?
  3. BillStime declares that he controls the Proud Boys and encourages them to engage in acts of violence.
  4. Woah, dude.
  5. Kemp urges people to vote for David Duke over Biden.
  6. I don't see you calling for Biden to denounce Antifa or BLM. Why is that?
  7. More blatant dishonesty, but that's what we've come to expect from you. Taking clips out of context to misrepresent one's mockery of a statement as though it were his stated position isn't clever or persuasive, and it tells us nothing about the speaker. All it tells us is that you are willfully dishonest and that nothing you say can be trusted.
  8. A leftist will maintain his belief even when faced with incontrovertible proof to the contrary.
  9. Hoax. He's condemned white supremacy numerous times. https://speakingaboutnews.com/17-times-donald-trump-has-condemned-racism-and-white-supremacy/ If your credit is as poor as your credibility you'd be lucky to get a payday loan.
  10. This is a perfect example of the dishonesty surrounding this topic. Here they've taken satire and parody, that no one with a functioning cerebral cortex would ever interpret as racist or anti-semitic, and knowingly portrayed it as something it's not. You have to assume if they're lying about this they're lying about everything.
  11. As usual, the letft's utter dearth of substantive argument is underscored by its histrionic obsession with this nonsense. Proud Boys are just an idea.
  12. There's nothing to disavow. It's just due to a media smear job based primarily on SPLC propaganda and a false (and eventually retracted) claim that the FBI had labeled Proud Boys a terrorist group. The average Joe doesn't know better and just knows that the TV said they're white supremacists. When you're citing the SPLC you've already lost the argument. Of course, the truth has never mattered to you, so I'm not surprised.
  13. https://officialproudboys.com/proud-boys/whoaretheproudboys/
  14. If my FBI director tells me that the people rioting in the streets are just an idea I don't question it.
  15. So now your argument is not that he was incorrect, just that he didn't explain it in a way that you found satisfactory?
  16. So in your estimation is one obligated to endorse every statement made by his appointee whether he agrees with it or not?
  17. And empty suit Christopher Wray's word means what, exactly?
  18. "Rose City Antifa is a group. Antifa Seven Hills is a group. Antifa Sacramento is a group. Atlanta Antifascists is a group. Youth Liberation Front is a group. There are many, many antifa groups. And they are violent." https://thepostmillennial.com/biden-antifa-is-an-idea-not-an-organization/
  19. "Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans." - Donald Trump, Aug. 14, 2017 https://www.factcheck.org/2020/02/trump-has-condemned-white-supremacists/
  20. It's in my fukking post, dipsh!t. And cite your source for your Proud Boys allegation. Got anything other than SPLC?
  21. Except you conveniently cut out the answer to Wallace's first question, which was "sure." Then when they followed up and he asked them which group they wanted him to tell to "stand down" they said Proud Boys (not a white supremacist or militia group, BTW) and he told them to stand down. The big "gotcha" that you're clinging to is that he also said "stand by." I guess you gotta take your talking points where you can get them.
  22. Wallace: Will you condemn white supremacists ...? President Trump: Sure Liberals: THE PRESIDENT REFUSED TO CONDEMN WHITE SUPREMACISTS!!!
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