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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. I don't know anything about the mailbox dispute, but if this story went down the way GZ says it did he walks regardless of "stand your ground."
  2. You really don't understand the law. It only means you aren't obligated to retreat. You still have to reasonably fear for your safety. You can't just claim this guy was following you/looking suspicious, and shoot. This is a terribly contrived argument.
  3. You do realize this is an idiotic argument, don't you? Wasting money on corporate welfare doesn't mean you have more money to waste on private welfare; it means you have less. Further, wouldn't the logical conclusion be to reduce both? And conventional wisdom is that conservatives support corporate welfare. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sure Republican politicians play the game, but by no means is it a fiscally conservative (nor particularly Republican) stance. Socialists love corporate welfare b/c it gives the government more control over business. Why do you think so many CEOs of evil corporations support Democrats? Because the subsidies & regulations help to supress the competition.
  4. You guys are wasting your time. C.Biscuit just saw: unarmed 17 year old black...shot by white...skittles, and he knew all he'd ever need to know to run with his opinion. The fact that he doesn't understand the situation or the law isn't going to keep him from the righteous indignation and racial outrage he so desperately desires. I don't get this at all. Self-defense is a complete defense. If Martin did circle back and physically attacked GZ for nothing more than following him & Zimmerman reasonably feared death or great bodily harm (both are reasonable results of having one's head slammed repeatedly against concrete) then there are no grounds for him to spend any time in jail. What would the message be? That if your lawful conduct provokes someone to attack you you must take the beating and hope he decides to stop before caving in your skull? Let me translate what everyone else read here: I haven't the foggiest idea what "stand your ground" is or how it applies to this case, but I'm not going to let that stop me from citing it in ironically condescending posts.
  5. I'll take It If you don't want It. I need one to clear out the voles that are infesting my yard.
  6. I don't know anything about the author, and I'm a Braves fan so I'm partial to Heyward, but if you're trying to make the case that the hidden message was black guys are lazy or that you know that he used a black guy in his example because of his latent racism rather than just because it was a play he saw that made him think of it, then I think you're the reason people roll their eyes when someone claims racism. !@#$ing Classic
  7. I'm still waiting for all the racist !@#$s who accused TO of taking plays off to atone for their sins.
  8. ^The Little Boy Who Cried Racism^
  9. You just shattered any credibility you might have had on any racial topic. Because the player dude used an example for making a lazy play is black it is now racist? You remind me of Eddie Murphy in Bowfinger. I see what you're doing here. Shakespeare!?!; Shaka-a-spear!?!; you're trying to say we're all spear chuckers. And the letter K appears in this script 3690 times which is perfectly divisible by three. That means KKK is in this script 1230 times!!!
  10. What the hell was racist about the Bryce Harper article?
  11. Lighten up, dude. It's all in good fun. Didn't you ever rip on the guy drinking Zima when you were a kid. Or were you the guy drinking Zima?
  12. Once there was a king, Rodney King, who said "oww, ooh, ouch, ahh..."
  13. ...until the Republicans have 51 Senate seats and the White House.
  14. It has to do with infinite interest and state sponsored theft via capital ownership. It's over our heads.
  15. Yeah, man. It's not like he lawfully removed a half-dozen US attorney's that serve at his pleasure. Just chillax, dude. They're the one's that debate. Kind of like at the UN. That's by design. Rapid action is generally far more dangerous than inaction.
  16. You're just going to confuse him.
  17. It's always interesting when they tell the truth. I'm guessing this WH official wishes he could have that onw back. to paraphrase: Basically, Obama's not going to let this whole bicameralism, democratic republicanism, and separation of powers get in the way of doing whatever he damn well pleases.
  18. Except that the US private sector is millions of individuals and entities acting in their own interests with their own resources while the Federal Government is one monolithic entity allocating the resources of others. But yeah, other than that it's practically the same thing.
  19. Man, you yankees are really sensitive about the whole race thing. I know everyone up north likes to point to the racist south (although unlike any southern city, Buffalo is one of the 10 most segregated cities in America), but people down here are a little more real about the race thing. I can say things to a black guy's face, and have a normal friendly conversation about it, that would cause the lilly white yankee crowd around here to soak a tampon or two. There are general differences between races, and some people defy the trends, but the norms are the norms, and pretending they're not doesn't make you a better person, and recognizing them doesn't make you hateful, evil, or dare I say RACIST. This country has become so racially pussified that I don't even know what "racism" is anymore. I thought it was to hold people in disdain because of racial/ethnic differences. Apparently it's recognition of any cultural or physiological differences (beyond color) that may be apparent between people of different ethnicities. Maybe we as a nation need to grow a set of balls and be real about the issue instead of acting like a bunch of 13 year old girls on our periods everytime someone says anything that might offend someone else.
  20. I'm surprised no one else has mentioned Bo Burnham; his act is really good Also, "Richard Jeni: A Big Steaming Pile of Me" is great. One of the best stand-up acts I've ever seen.
  21. Has anyone mentioned John Kruk?
  22. Doug Stanhope and Norm MacDonald have both been mentioned and both are/were on Netflix w/ pretty good specials. I'm surprised no one mentioned Bo Burnham. The kid is phenomenal. He's got an act called "Words, Words, Words" on Netflix right now that everyone should see. Of course, I thought Dane Cook's first HBO special was pretty funny, even if he does come off like he's trying really hard to get himself laid after the show.
  23. But if I tell Harry I'll pay him $100 to help me paint my house on Saturday, and he shows up with a paintbrush he borrowed from Sally on Thursday, am I obligated to pay him? And if he subs out the job to Johnny for $80, but Johnny uses my paintbrush, and the fair market value for the paintbrush is $6.50, Who owns the paintbrush on Tuesday?
  24. When you find yourself analyzing the reasons why a fellow poster gets hard, you know the thread has jumped the track.
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