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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. I think you're right. Sometimes it's fun to respond just because, but I don't think it's possible for someone to know as much as he does and understand so little. He's sort of like a crusading Crayonz minus the humor.
  2. Let me see if I get this straight. Someone in the Chicago government with enought authority to sign off on $billion deals locked the city into a 75 year ironclad contract that !@#$s the community, and this is somehow an endorsement of the government sector?
  3. No way. I'm taking it back. Taste the outrage. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/adidas-s-shackle-shoes-and-other-highly-offensive-products.html
  4. Feeling the vengeance, I suppose. Dead kids affects me the way comments which could be loosely interpreted to have a vague connection to something potentially race related affect tgregg.
  5. Are you going to send the corpse's mom a bill?
  6. Joe's street cleaning service would be contracted by the city and would therefore bill the city. You think Joe's going to inquire as to whose blood he's cleaning up and make sure his mom gets the bill?
  7. I never thought I'd be on a mother!@#$ing boat.
  8. Whoever decided sending that bill was a good idea should be shot in the gut and left to bleed out.
  9. I don't feel any comradery with the guys on motor scooters either. Granted, they're far less annoying than cyclists because they follow the same laws and move with traffic instead of being rogue !@#$s (no offense RK) throwing a monkey wrench into the flow of traffic with all sense of entitlement, but let's just say when I'm on my bike and I see one, I don't wave.
  10. If your wife ever turns off the faucets on you, get a book about making women orgasm, read it while yall are on the couch watching TV, then don't try to do anything with her. Do this for a week or two. If that doesn't work, then hell, just !@#$ other women.
  11. Good find. I actually like those guys. They're just having fun with it.
  12. Hot chicks & ice cold beer. Ah hell, I just made myself the subject of a country music song.
  13. 1996 The Ones You've Heard of Fargo Jerry Maguire Kingpin The English Patient The People v Larry Flynt Trainspotting The Nutty Professor Scream (Don't let the sequels ruin it for you) 2 Days in the Valley Happy Gilmore Swingers The Ones You Should See Suburbia Bottle Rocket She's The One Freeway (when Reese Whitherspoon was still a reason to see a movie) There are some other notable entries, but this list is too long already.
  14. Bingo. The judge could have simply given her the community service. He gives the mom an out, she takes it, and now she's complaining that he gave her the option?
  15. Oh the irony And for the record. If the additional $2 mil was taxable as capital gains you're looking at $300k less in tax revenues (that could have gone for hospitals and debt reduction. Who's stupid now you dirty sheep !@#$er?!?!
  16. I had thought 90s country was so superior to new country, which is little more than a bunch of metro-sexuals in cowboy hats singing about how cold their beer is, but I was listening on Pandora last night and realized a lot of that stuff was pure garbage as well, except for a few scattered gems. Although I gotta say, short of The Zach Brown Band I'm at a loss for the gems mixed in with the new crowd.
  17. http://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2012/06/24/a_generous_gift_has_been_made_in_your_name_to_obama_2012 Nothing new, just an amusing take
  18. I feel kind of the same way. I'm glad that they lost last year and Lebron had to wade through a year of being the butt of countless 4th quarter melt-down jokes before finally being "crowned". I assume it taught him some humility and made him a less contemptible figure. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, but he did come off as a bit of a jerk-off putting on his infomercial and declaring he'd win 7 rings. Hopefully he learned a lesson from the backlash.
  19. No, it's not like that. It's like you gave part of your check to the Davidians and didn't have to pay taxes on the portion of the check that you didn't keep for yourself. It's a significant difference.
  20. What an !@#$. Some Indian chick (dots, not feathers) decided to inexplicably stop in the middle of traffic the other day causing me to lock up my back tire (had it been the front I might be taking a dirt nap right now). Feeling your back tire sliding side to side with cars coming head on in the other lane is an eye opening experience. My next bike will have ABS brakes. Edit: Just to clarify, my bike is made by Honda and I don't wear spandex to ride it.
  21. Yeah, but if he hadn't decided to forfeit that portion of his income to another entity we could have taxed it. That makes it ours. All of it.
  22. Yeah, except that it's not 2 million in taxes that's being written off, it's $2 million of his income he doesn't have to pay taxes on. Therefore, all you just said is "I don't get how tax write offs work. At all."
  23. Careful, James. There are some sensitive types with issues surrounding death around here. Hopefully Simple Jack isn't perusing the thread.
  24. They must have gotten wind of your reputation.
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