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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. He's out of his element. He doesn't comprehend the difference between Federal and state funds, and he's just trying to take pot shots b/c he's of the belief that attacking Alaska hurts Darin's feelings.
  2. I don't get into the whole "who loves America more" thing, but his comments make him come off as a big douche bag. It says he doesn't see himself as an American; he sees himself and his race as a separate people that are not really part of this country. And that's cool if you want to be a separatist, but if you expect the society to accept you and treat you as one of its own that's a two way street. Maybe he should move on from all the oppression he lived through 230 years ago. He may think this sounds strong and assertive, like he's standing up for himself and his people, but in reality, at this point he just sounds like a whiney kitty.
  3. I'm not so sure about that. If it's really that beneficial why aren't any private companies pursuing it?
  4. Thanks Tom, I knew underneath it all you really were a nice guy.
  5. I appreciate it, I'll be sure to stop by.
  6. If the port does enough business such that its value offsets its risk then it should be able to support it's own insurance costs. If not, its economic viability is a mirage.
  7. For all those who get a stiff thinking about how great life will be when the govt runs the Dr.'s office, I was just told I'd have to wait on hold for 21 minutes to speak with one of the brain-dead, dipshit, !@#$s they employ at the DMV. Just a preview of what you have to look forward to.
  8. First rule of crime: If you're going to risk jail time make sure the reward is worth the risk. In my younger years two of my delinquent friends chucked a newspaper machine through the window of the ABC store...And didn't even get top-shelf liquor. . All would have been well had one not cut his hand on the glass and left bloody fingerprints all over the store. They ended up doing 6 months for a half-dozen bottles of mid-level liquor. The moral of the story: make sure the payoff justifies the risk.
  9. I only saw a 3 minute clip, but I think it was in reference to Federal flood insurance by which the Fed's compensate millionaires who don't purchase private flood insurance to cover homes they build in high-risk locations. Of course your average lib hears the Feds are throwing millions/billions at rich people and assume Republicans are behind it.
  10. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/ I see these posted periodically by various publications and every time I read the analysis it seems they use twists of word and logic, that would make John Roberts envious, to arrive at the meter reading they want. I'm sure you can guess which way it slants.
  11. Thanks, that's good to know. I was worried about the ride back b/c I have to be in Richmond on Monday but 8 1/2 hours doesn't sound bad. I hadn't thought of Canada, but we just got passports so maybe we'll venture across the border to view Canadians in their native habitat.
  12. Thanks for the advice, guys. The bike is definitely out (I knew it was a stretch.) I'm taking my wife to Niagara Falls on Sat to get her on board so I'm just deciding whether to drive or fly in & rent a car. The latest flight out to RIC looks like it leaves at 7 pm which could cramp my style, so I might just pop an adderall and driving through the night. It's a great way to avoid traffic; in the South anyway.
  13. Shhh, you're going to spoil it for your side. They've been scoffing at the idea that the uncertainty caused by Obama's Jeff Spicoli version of politics has been hamstringing the economy.
  14. You make a good point, but it doesn't change anything for me.. Despite finding abortion to be a disgusting practice, this won't affect my vote because 1. He's running against Obama, 2. I don't expect much from govt on the issue, & 3. I never took Romney for a true believer anyway.
  15. I'm planning on coming to Buffalo for the home opener. It will be my first time in Buffalo and my first NFL game. I just have a few questions I was hoping some of you could help me with. 1. Does anyone know the best route from Richmond, VA to Buffalo? Is it reasonable to ride a motorcycle? What are the tolls like? 2. What's the best place in the stadium to see the game if you're not trying to drop $600 on a pair of tickets? 3. What's a good hotel to stay on the cheap without getting mugged? 4. If I'm heading back Sun how late should I plan my departure?
  16. I didn't mean it's bad law as in it has been overturned, I meant that the ruling was wrong to begin with. The reason no SC has overturned it doesn't mean much. It can largely be chalked up to stare decisis, but more accurately because the court prefers to distinguish whenever possible. Hell, Plessy's still good law according to this definition. And the question of increments is irrelevant. The question has to do with whether the commerce is in its nature interstate commerce regardless of volume. The ruling itself is absurd. If anything that "significantly" affects interstate commerce in the aggregate is within the scope of Congress' regulatory power it renders a good portion of article 1 sec 8 superfluous. Again, you can argue that you prefer the direction they took because you prefer centralized control or other reasons, but you can't honestly argue that the ruling was consistent with the text.
  17. I had sex with a woman once. She was big, but I loved her.
  18. I'm surprised you guys still respond to MDP. I don't even read his posts anymore. He's either trolling or functionally retarded. Either way, nothing worth seeing.
  19. I can't find your post in defense of Wickard so I'll reply here. Wickard is bad law, period. It wasn't an honest disagreement about proper interpretation of the commerce clause. They knew they were rewriting the constitution when they gave the ruling, but it was the outcome they wanted so they went with it. You can argue (as you did) that you like the outcome because you want the Feds to be empowered to do many of the things they've done using that power, but that is an entirely different argument from whether the decision was consistent with the constitution.
  20. Does this same scrutiny apply to black Democrats & their associations with known criminals and racists?
  21. Hey, tonight while you guys are celebrating all this American Fourth of July brouhaha, don't forget what you're celebrating, and that's the fact that a bunch of aristocratic, slave-owning, white males didn't want to pay their taxes.
  22. I don't see what's so hard about distinguishing between state & federal. I have policies that work great in my house that shouldn't be imposed on the neighborhood.
  23. Walt's desire to protect Jesse has gotten him into a lot of trouble. And Jesse is all emotion, no brain. Jesse will find out about the poison berries and it will probably come out that Walt could have saved his gf and then it's on. Walt's unwillingness to deal with Jesse ruthlessly will be the leverage Jesse needs to keep it interesting.
  24. They weren't seats, but Cake (the greatest active band in America) played the Chili cook-off in Richmond. Problem was, they're not big with the target age group, so we were able to get right up on the stage so close you could see the wrinkles on the guy's forehead. It was like getting a private concert.
  25. I wish the representatives of your party would speak as openly on the subject as you.
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