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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. It is pretty revealing. The people calling for Mitt's tax returns didn't give a !@#$ about Obama's transcripts, birth certificate, land deals, or much of anything he didn't voluntarily disclose. In fact they were rolling their eyes at anyone so much as suggesting nefarious dealings in Obama's past - and at the time Obama was a fairly unknown entity. Now these same ass holes pretend they have a legitimate concern with Romney's tax returns? Really? They're just desperately looking for something they can use to play the class warfare thing. Basically, anyone publicly making an issue of this is either campaigning for Obama or suffers from mild retardation. And anyone whose voting decision turns on this issue should probably do the world a favor and get sterilized.
  2. I'm glad we're talking about the important issues this time around.
  3. That's a good way of putting it. If he was equally opinionated with the same shtick, but from a left-wing viewpoint I doubt he'd be demonized or even marginalized by the msm.
  4. You can't honestly say it's unambiguously constitutional. The constitution expressly states that congress shall pass no laws infringing on the freedom of speech. And while this doesn't directly inhibit free speech it could do so indirectly, and the court has recognized far more tenuous associations in the past. You may not think it is repugnant to the constitution, but it is a display of algorian hubris to say that it is decided beyond question.
  5. Virgil Goode is a former Congressman from the great state of VA.
  6. The guy actually does a pretty good show. Sure he occasionally deals in hyperbole, but most of the time he's on point. And sometimes, not always, but sometimes he goes off on a stream of consciousness that's nothing less than brilliant. I think if you listened you'd find you appreciate him more than you would expect.
  7. The fact that you espouse to believe conservatives & libertarians think government is unnecessary means you're either !@#$ing stupid or full of ****. As far as how I'm different from Rush, who is a good man who does a good show, and often gives fantastic analysis, is that I oppose drug prohibition, I'm not religious, & I don't give a !@#$ about gay marriage. Other than that I find Rush is usually on time. You probably don't know dick about him b/c EVERY trumped up controversy about him is either taken out of context and/or mischaracterized.
  8. Don't get frustrated. We just don't take it at face value. whatever the government forces my neighbor to disclose to me I am also forced to disclose to him. Of course with this bill he may be the only one who has to disclose; that also means I may be the only one who has to disclose.
  9. You know, dude, you could have been taken seriously here and used this forum to discuss your opinions. Instead you've chosen to be a Democrat hack with little more to offer than childish sarcasm and " Democrat good, Republican bad". You add very little substance to the discussion. And this isn't just because you're a lib. TheNewBills is a lib capable of rational discussion. Maybe you could learn from him.
  10. Do you have any examples of the lies that have been perpetrated by these PACs?
  11. In addition to what TTYT just said, which pretty well sums it up, I don't see the value in it. So I can find out who donated to that PAC. So what? All the info I get from anywhere needs to be scrutinized including mass media coverage. I just don't see a lot of value in it. Plus, leftists are very emotional & vindictive when people don't agree with them (see "Color of Change). This looks more like a way to identify and punish "our enemies", as Obama refers to us, more than an attempt to further accuracy in advertising. Edit: and why haven't you posted in the "What has Obama Done..." thread?
  12. Yeah, I hear you, but I'm not that worried about it. No matter how hard I try, I just can't get worried about it.
  13. You gotta weigh the pros & cons. I know we like to think the days of Woodrow Wilson & FDR, when govt. goons could shake down political trouble makers, are over, but to me it seems the potential for abuse outweighs our interest in getting the names behind the info. If the info's bunk, discredit it.
  14. You didn't take that ****. Someone else made it happen.
  15. Obama supporters persist in claiming Obama "brought us back from the brink." As far as I can see, after 3 1/2 years we're no better off and we'd be better off had he done absolutely nothing. Can anyone point to what he's done to help the economy?
  16. 97% Libertarian 76% Republican 56% Democrat 36% Dirty Hippy
  17. That's probably the best picture I've seen of him. The guy looks primitive. If Geico brings back the caveman commercials he could have an acting career.
  18. Forcing people to publicly disclose political contributions isn't too far removed from doing away with the secret ballot.
  19. No, I get it, it just seems like he gets a raw deal. Sure he gets off on the attention from performing in front of the camera, but when the odds are long he usually works it out. Plus, although he lacks the stamina to go hard on every play, in a sticky situation he usually rises to the occasion.
  20. The strawman strategy only works if you can be subtle about it. Arguing against a point no one made doesn't work if the casual observer can see what you're doing. Your response is revealing though. Apparently you need not look to skill sets, accomplishments, and philosophies to determine the best candidate. You just look to who had richer parents and go for the other guy. Brilliant. I'll start a thread tomorrow about what Obama's done to help the economy. I'd love it if you could stop by & give us your 2 cent. Thanks in advance, dude.
  21. Me too. He seems like a good guy with self-esteem issues. It's a shame a guy with such talent, who's always kept his nose clean, will be remembered in such a negative light.
  22. is this supposed to be clever? Are we to pretend that Obama was a poor impoverished child who rose above a troubled past to achieve great things? And are we also to discount the achievements of anyone born to parents of means? Most kids born to rich parents either coast or squander their opportunities and have modest personal achievements at best. Mitt took the opportunities given him and used that to eclipse the achievements of his father. Sure, Obama's achievements are significant, but let's look at what they are: Obama got into Ivy League schools (let's assume affirmative action wasn't a factor) and played the political game well enough to catapult to the Presidency (let's assume race didn't play a part). So what, besides going to school & successfully playing politics, has Obama ever done? what business has Obama ever built? How many jobs has Obama created?
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