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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. Thanks, bub. Sorry to hear about your wife. My aunt dealt w/ a lot of insurance bull **** when she had cancer. Not sure how much it will help, but if you don't want to wait you might be able to switch now. when I lost my coverage through my employer I was able to get personal coverage by submitting a letter of prior credible coverage. I'm not sure if that would work for your situation but it might be worth checking out. Sorry TNB, I'll let you have the thread back.
  2. Speaking of Krugman, the fact that he said 9/11 was good for the economy and didn't go down as the village idiot of the economic world tells you all you need to know about the level of economic understanding in the mass media.
  3. You keep calling for eliminating guns as though it gives you some sense of moral superiority but you have yet to propose a method by which this can be realistically accomplished. Do you actually have a plan or do you just have utter disdain for those who chose to acknowledge reality?
  4. Maybe I should ask this in a PM so as not to hijack the thread... Too late. You've mentioned this health insurance concern several times; do you have a pre-existing condition that you're worried about? I ask b/c I do (bulging cervical disks) & have made it a priority to maintain health insurance & (more importantly) long term disability insurance for the last 10 years regardless of financial situation. I'm more concerned about government health care b/c if one of those disks ruptures (one slipped this morning, actually. I'm already a few IPAs deep to kill the pain) I'll be in surgery in a few hours. Under a socialized system I could wait until irreparable damage occurs. My concern isn't just for me but also cancer patients & others with similar afflictions to mine. Just curious what your thoughts are on this. Feel free to reply in the ACA thread if you feel so inclined.
  5. I'm starting to think you're not as aligned with modern liberals as you think you are. As an Econ major who has no doubt been inundated with Keynes, I'd recommend giving Milton Friedman's "Capitalism & Freedom" a read. It's just under 200 pages, so it's an easy read, & does an excellent job of explaining free private enterprise economies. I challenge all libs to read & fully understand it and then challenge it. For many it's over their heads but given your background you'll probably get a lot out of it. Even if you don't come to agree with him you'll at least have a lot better understanding of the counter-arguments to your views than your professors ever intended for you to have.
  6. The short version is that I prefer a President who wants to provide an environment where business can thrive rather than a leftist ideologue who sees business as a boogie man to be punished & put in the corner by the paternalistic principal. That means not only lower corporate taxes, but also less detailed regulation, less wasteful gimmick programs like "cash for clunkers, & generally just not being someone who chills the business environment with the constant threat of arbitrary micromanagement by government. And I don't think I'll have to worry about the kind of economic retardation that purports to believe "green jobs" are going to be our economic savior or having our prosperity sacrificed in vain for absurd political games like Obamacare or Cap & Trade. I could write volumes on the matter, but basically it's not that I expect Romney to do anything special; I just expect him to get out of the way & stop !@#$ing everything up like the Ring-a-Ding kid.
  7. I wonder if that's true in law. I'm suddenly realizing I've been busting my ass (kind of) for nothing.
  8. Have you ever been asked for confirmation of GPA or class rank?
  9. Come to think of it, neither have I. But you must admit, a prospective employer is more likely to ask for that than a tax return. Jamie's normally fairly sound. I was surprised he said that.
  10. Which part do you take issue with ? Granted, it sounds a bit over the top the way he stated it, but it is established that he fabricated much of his autobiography, he refuses to release his college transcripts (which unlike tax returns actually is standard procedure when applying for a job) and every time he goes off script he sounds like a sociology professor from UC Berkely.
  11. What a coincidence, I just came here to post a Krauthammer link http://mobile.washingtonpost.com/rss.jsp?rssid=4223411&item=http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/charles-krauthammer-did-the-state-make-you-great/2012/07/19/gJQAbZOiwW_mobile.mobile&cid=-1&fullSiteUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fopinions%2Fcharles-krauthammer-did-the-state-make-you-great%2F2012%2F07%2F19%2FgJQAbZOiwW_story.html
  12. There also seems to be a lot of denial. Obama's point couldn't be clearer: Government made it possible for you to succeed so now you owe us. Most libs agree with this to a point, but don't want to take it to it's ultimate conclusion because it is a circular argument: government provided you the ability to thrive, so now you owe us whatever we decide, and as long as you're still getting by you should be happy about it. It absolutely underscores the sacrifices and contributions made by business owners and overscores the contribution of government. It's actually quite obvious. It's both amusing and frustrating to watch the fj12nds of the world scramble desperately to try to rationalize and reframe it in a way that isn't repugnant to the sensibilities of most people.
  13. It only seems like an echo chamber because your point is so absurd that your fellow libs don't want to talk about it. Your second point only tells us that you lack the ability to distinguish family and community from government.
  14. This would have been about 10 years ago. I still get a little freaked out just thinking about it.
  15. Unless you're lucky enough to get me.
  16. When he was about 18 my brother went to DC for a student conference. He left the WH & accidentally headed SE on PA ave. Next thing you know there's a skinny white kid in a tie in the middle of one of the roughest areas of DC catching awfully strange looks from the locals. He saw a cab and in a near panic asked a cab driver where he was. An older black lady getting out of the cab looked at him like he was crazy & told him, with a great sense of urgency, that he needed to get out of there & to get in the cab. He told her he didn't have any money on him but she said not to worry, gave the cabbie some money & told him to get him to the NW right away.
  17. Are these the same ones that get Smirnoff Ice when you go out for beers?
  18. Can anyone explain the outrage? I'm a little late to the party so maybe I missed something, but it sounds like a couple of run-of-the-mill police shootings. I understand why any police shooting needs to be scrutinized & doesn't necessarily warrant the benefit of the doubt, but rioting & angrily protesting when your basic stance is "I'm not really sure what happened but there's a chance it could be really !@#$ed up, you know, unless it's not" seems like a pretty weak cause to rally around. Is this just people looking to relive the excitement of the Trayvon Martin case back when it was still a hate crime? In Dallas http://wap.myfoxdfw.com/w/main/story/68309643 In Anaheim http://m.ocregister.com/news/police-365157-shootings-officer.html
  19. I missed that. In that case I think I'll go there for lunch today.
  20. I wouldn't quite characterize it all as a function of inaction by regulators, but the essence of that argument- in that environment that's how the game was, so your options were largely play ball or get off the team - is fairly accurate. What is it you disagree with?
  21. Anyone notice how opposition to gay marriage is now "anti-gay views"?
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