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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. I'm starting to think he prefers huffing glue.
  2. I'm eating at Chick-fil-a right now. There's just something about the way the chicken & bacon intermingle with the tangy hate sauce. Mmm, so good.
  3. I'm eating at Chick-fil-a right now. There's just something about the way the chicken & bacon intermingle with the cheese and the tangy hate sauce. So good. I got my daughter a kids meal; I just hope she doesn't spill on her white robe.
  4. I don't watch it. I saw part of one episode & it was so over the top I decided not to subject myself to this big wad of self-extracted liberal splooge. The quote you posted says it all.
  5. I haven't read the specifics of this article, but generally speaking if you offer someone a job and they voluntarily accept because it is better than their alternative it's hard to say they're not better off for the opportunity. Reminds me of a story an African guy told me years ago. I forget the details, but some American company came to his country. The jobs paid **** by our standard, but it was far and away the best opportunity that existed for them. Do-gooders incensed at the exploitation raised a fuss, company leaves town, Africans go back to eating a termite around the fire. Chalk up a victory for the do-gooders.
  6. That won't help. We need to ban Tea Baggers.
  7. The Catholic Church didn't admit the earth revolved around the sun until the 70s. JFK was President in the 60s. That means we had a President who thought the earth was the center of the Universe.
  8. This in no way refutes (or even addresses, for that matter) the point I was making. Based on your response I now know I could write volumes on the matter and you'd still not understand.
  9. Enjoy your suburban life while you can. Good luck explaining that one to St. Peter.
  10. I'm afraid I'm going to need you to do the patriotic thing and hand over those reserves. We need it to invest in campaigns, er um, energy research, yeah, that's it, energy research.
  11. Fundamental difference: The welfare recipient is taking someone else's money, the guy using tax shelters is keeping his own.
  12. 2 things: 1. I think he's just !@#$ing with you 2. We need that money. That's our money, Chef. Me and my partners' money. - Obama
  13. There was a bald, heavy-set white guy in WI who recently joined the Tea Party. Just sayin.
  14. What does this have to do with the deserts in China?
  15. Not sure about the wars, but we might be on better financial footing. No tax cuts, but the Republican congress would never have let Gore spend like Bush did.
  16. Government is great, government is good and we thank it for our food By its hand, we all are fed Give us, Obama, our daily bread Amen
  17. Yes, he did. No one took the bait on the "porch monkey" bit. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=b0R3OjMcOqg NSFW
  18. That's a bit of a stretch. You're essentially arguing that opposition to gay marriage will tank our economy. I get how in the abstract, speaking rhetorically about the societal effects of intolerance can make that plausible, but come on, man. Mitt's hardly a hard right social conservative. And if he opposes gay marriage either because he believes in traditional marriage or because he's catering to the desires of his supporters, it's a pretty far jump to conclude that he will therefore enact exlusionary policies (or that such a thing would even fly in this day and age) sufficient to stunt long-term economic growth.
  19. The sad part is that after the "Monday" incident I actually did a quick e v a l of "maroon" to make sure it hadn't acquired a racial connotation since I last heard it used. Hell, I once heard someone say "porch monkey" was a racial slur. Gotta be careful these days.
  20. Bummer about your business. Hey, at least you swung the bat. As far as the suburbs, I see that as the best of both worlds. I have enough land to plant crops, raise chickens, have a pool, and the kids have room to play, and I'm also still in the middle of civilization, there are plenty of kids around for my daughter to play with, I'm a short drive from everything I need, and as a bonus I can take advantage of the public school system (something I wouldn't dream of in the city).
  21. I agree. I think this whole thing is !@#$ing absurd. I'm just saying if I found out the owner of Burger King was funding moveon.org I'd probably eat more Big Macs. That's all.
  22. Huh, looks like we agree on something. Go figure. Interesting tid-bit: Around the turn of the century I used to cut grass for a lady that owned a Chik-Fil-A franchise in NC. One thing we had in common was that we both wanted to !@#$ my gf. I can't fault the individual for not wanting to support a business that contributes to causes they oppose. I cancelled my Geico coverage when they got on board with "Color of Change" (it's just really stupid for businesses to get in on boycotts), and I don't buy Sargento cheese either (mainly b/c of their political activism, but really, anyone who brags about being "persnickety" is an up-tight ass hole).
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