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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. INT for MVP LamaRG3
  2. The tears are so tasty.
  3. Maybe he got into Mitch's stash.
  4. So much winning. I still haven't gotten tired of it.
  5. We'll see. Time is not on Iran's side. If they struck back quickly they could claim the moral high ground. With each passing day after mutual declarations of non-escalation that balance shifts. A significant act of provocation weeks or months from now would be perceived much differently, and likely turn public support in favor of military action against Iran. Nothing rallies Americans to war like a Pearl Harbor. For all their tough talk, I think the mullahs are scared of President Trump just like they were of Reagan. He portrays himself as one who doesn't want a fight but will bring the pain if challenged. Whether he'd follow through remains to be seen, but he's certainly given them reason to fear he would. The only reason I think you might be right is because there are some indications that they're losing their grip on power and nothing will rally the people to their side like a war with the great Satan. That said, they'd have to wonder how much of a country they'd have left to rule over when the dust settles, assuming they survived the fight. I don't think it's a risk they're inclined to take.
  6. What's being understated is how substantial a defeat this was for the Democrats. They demonstrated clearly and unambiguously, to anyone who was watching, that they're painfully unequipped to deal with international conflict. Moreover, they demonstrated once again that their top priority is regaining power, even when the prospect of war is at stake. Many of them went on the record with statements and tweets that will age very poorly. This was yet another in a series of unforced errors committed in haste by a shortsighted group that has become so singularly focused and eager that they can't manage to get out of their own way.
  7. Stephen A's just trying to win back some of the woke points he lost for being too honest about Kaepernick.
  8. It's also equally accurate to say his drop rate is 3.5 percentage points higher, 47% higher, or Metcalf's is 33% lower. The only real takeaway is that you can skew impressions depending on how you choose to frame the numbers. The sample size is far too small to draw any meaningful conclusions. And actually, to your second point, it would be equivalent to 2 picks in 3 games vs. 7 in 16. Your miscalculation skewed Duke's ratio by 50%.
  9. This thread really illustrates how little most people know about the issues they're discussing.
  10. I've been slow to form an opinion on this Iran situation because I don't have enough information to make an objective assessment, but seeing that every brain dead shitstain who's been consistently wrong about damn near everything for years is up in arms over it makes me think it might not be so bad.
  11. Bring on the Moe's and Hoes... I didn't vote because there wasn't an option for maybe. He's shown enough that I wouldn't be looking for his replacement, but there are still some question marks. He's got some truly elite skills. He's a hard worker who's dedicated to the team. He's a gamer who lays it all on the line. He made a big leap from year 1 to year 2. But he still has to improve to be a guy who can win with some consistency against good teams. It's all about his growth. Where will it stop? No one knows. (Like I said before bring on the Moes and hoes). I think by this time next year we'll have our answer.
  12. Probably doesn't matter because Hauschka probably misses from there anyway, but that call on Ford was horse *****.
  13. I'm kinda hot for Iranian chicks.
  14. Who the ***** is Mr. Trump? And why are y'all posting seious replies in a Tibs thread that will be deleted once he realizes how bad it looks for him?
  15. As an aside, I don't think I've ever seen anyone use "clap back" unironically who wasn't a total ¢unt.
  16. CNN's New Year's Eve coverage includes a couple of homos discussing big ¢ocks. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/01/oh-boy-cnns-anderson-cooper-starts-talking-about-*****-during-new-years-coverage-video/
  17. If it's a young Teri Garr in tight pants, that one's easy. If we're going Lebowski I keep Sam Elliot.
  18. I'm tempted to login to FB so I can get the impassioned views of people who think "Shiite" is jive.
  19. I know it's hard for a simple distinction to break through the cognitive dissonance created over a lifetime of indoctrination, but secession is not a declaration of war. If you want to argue that secession was over slavery, I would say that's a gross oversimplification, but for the sake of argument, let's just assume that's correct. It does not follow that Confederate generals were fighting to preserve slavery. Robert E. Lee, for example, opposed slavery, and said he'd free every slave to avoid war if it were up to him. They fought an opposing force that invaded them on their territory. That's not my opinion. That's an incontrovertible fact. Secession is not a declaration of war. By the logic one must follow to get to the conclusion you're suggesting, Brexit is a declaration of war against the EU.
  20. As opposed to you who sucks up every mainstream narrative like a ¢uck sucks up his wife's boyfriend's load.
  21. The more resistance you get to questioning an accepted narrative, the more likely that narrative is to crumble under scrutiny.
  22. All I see is someone openly observing a statistical irregularity, without committing to any specific theory to explain that irregularity. I don't see how dismissing potential implications out of hand and pretending they don't exist is somehow preferable.
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