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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. Now the open borders crowd is complaining that we didn't seal the border. What a bunch of clowns.
  2. And there it is. It's not what President Trump does that's the "greatest threat to our democracy", it's that he's mean.
  3. I would find that refreshing. In truth, I may be a little more critical of him as I'd be less inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt due to his track record, but I try to give credit where it's due. During the Obama years it seemed any criticism of him, no matter how tame or warranted, was treated as blasphemy, just as any praise of President Trump is treated now. It reminds me of the old question from philosophy: Does God do the things he does because they are good, or are they good because God does them?
  4. It really couldn't be any clearer. It's nothing you and I didn't already know, but it's a reality many others are waking up to. Sadly, those who are devout left wingers have all the skepticism and introspection of cult members. When they're proven wrong it just makes them more convinced they're right. Hence the irrational hysteria surrounding the President. Even worse, a sizeable portion of average people who don't follow political news don't necessarily see what's going on because mainstream outlets give cover to their own, so they don't see the lies & treachery being exposed.
  5. That's quite the projection there. The funny thing is that if Obama (or any Dem) were President right now, and doing exactly what President Trump is doing, all the left-wing fundamentalists such as yourself would be on your knees praising your beloved leader for his strength, courage, and wisdom. I think you know it too.
  6. It really is disgusting. The masks are off and the leftists are proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are in a political war and the only thing that matters to them is winning by any means necessary. Sadly for them, and as has been the case for the last 4 years, in their obsession to destroy their adversary they're destroying themselves in a seemingly unending series of unforced errors that expose them for what they are. This is yet another example of them pulling the pin in their own bunker. Only the devout followers of the faith, like Gary, find this to be anywhere approaching reasonable.
  7. I'm not ready to crown his ass, but the author has it right. All he has to do is tighten up on the deep ball and maintain his level of play otherwise. The guy has the clutch gene, and all the arm you could ask for. With two well rounded WRs on the outside who can burn you underneath and take the top off the defense, if he can start dropping those long balls in the bucket with some consistency this could be a legendary season.
  8. I put up a better product than my co-worker, but I agreed to a lesser salary than his because I bring in less money than he does and I didn't want to assume the risk of holding out for more. Then after I signed my employment contract I used back door methods to extort more from my employer than what we agreed to. It's righteous and just because he makes more than I do, so ***** him. I deserve it.
  9. I don't believe that's entirely true. I believe you could call our system a democratic theocracy or a theocratic republic. The key distinction between our government and recognized theocracies, like those in the Islamic world, is that we have a multitude of diverse religions vying for political dominance, whereas they have only one.
  10. I find the inverse to be more accurate. I don't know too many people who think President Trump can do no wrong, but plenty who think he can do no right. There's no rational basis for most of it. That's evident by the lack of substantive supporting evidence for anything remotely proportional to the level of derision directed at him. Legitimate good faith criticism is generally met reasonably by most, but the overwhelming majority of criticism is irrational reflexive vitriol that's not worthy of consideration.
  11. I've never thought much of that theory. It kind of seems reasonable if you think about it on a superficial level, but when you think about the underlying dynamics it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It makes even less sense in this scenario when the economic downturn is due to people being unable to conduct business. I'm not sure how the waiter, hairdresser, or anyone else whose job/business is shut down is going to benefit from other people buying a bunch of sht from those who haven't been shut down.
  12. This bill seems a bit hokey, and not just because of the pork. I'm all for relief to those suddenly forced into unemployment as well as for businesses that have been forced to shut down, but this blanket welfare payment doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. The overwhelming majority of people getting the relief are still working, and the vast majority of the money allocated to those who have been affected is being distributed to those who have not. I understand that it's hard to implement a massive organized national relief project on short notice, but this seems utterly ridiculous to my unqualified eye. Most of the people in my office are going to get a check, and we haven't missed a day of work. Same with my wife's office. But a friend of mine who's teetering on the edge of financial ruin because of the virus isn't going to get *****. Maybe the logistics make it unworkable, but I'd be a lot happier with a Kung flu emergency relief bill that is targeted towards assisting those who have been affected by it rather than a national income based welfare check.
  13. Why ask why? Trust Dems' lies.
  14. That's where I am. It's killing me to sit on the sidelines, but I just can't imagine we don't see another drop.
  15. Anyone else find it odd that in the wake of indefinite lockdowns & travel restrictions, record unemployment claims, and continued spreading of the virus that the stock market is rallying? I know the Feds are passing a relief bill, but it sure doesn't feel like we're out of the woods yet.
  16. I'm hoping this is just political posturing and they're going to work it out before it goes that far. I haven't been as angry over politics as I was last night in years, but now that the sun has come up and it's a new day (and I somehow managed to keep my Twitter account) I'm feeling slightly more confident that the powers that be won't drive us off the cliff. Hopefully this will just prove to be a failed attempt at a power grab on the way to resolution. Pelosi's attempt is a glimpse of how an authoritarian government would execute a covert takeover of the economy. Exploit a pandemic, force industry to shut down, then offer them the option of going under or signing over their rights as a condition of a "bail out". If we didn't know how dangerous they were before, we know now.
  17. The Democrats are quite literally holding the American people hostage and morons across the internet are coming to their defense and even applauding them. Guess what, morons. If and when the collapse occurs, it's going to happen to you too. When your child is cold and hungry and you don't have any way to make it better, at least you can whack your willy to the memory of Nancy showing up the Republicans.
  18. I agree that temporary aid should be distributed to individuals who have been forced out of work, but business needs support too. The concepts are not mutually exclusive, and those insinuating that they are should not be trusted. Also, demonizing corporations in this scenario is foolish.In 2008 you could make the argument that many of the corporations getting bailed out did it to themselves, whereas here that is not the case. Even that, however is beside the point because the purpose isn't to give them what they"deserve" but to stabilize the economy to prevent a devastating collapse. Nancy et al. welcome that collapse if they think they can gain political advantage from it.
  19. What rational basis is there for denying aid to the corporate sector? Are they not unwilling victims of this situation just like the rest of us? Are they not essential to the functioning of the economy? Do tens of millions of Americans not rely on corporations for jobs? I'm not going to pretend Republicans are as pure as the wind driven snow, but this is a glaringly false equivalence. The behavior of the Dems is the worst kind of opportunism I've ever seen. It's utterly indefensible.
  20. The Dems are actively doing everything in their power to destroy the economy and don't give a solitary ***** about the 10s of millions of people who will suffer as a result of their actions.
  21. I have yet to read a persuasive argument supporting the assertion that Murphy is a scrub. He seems to do his job reasonably well on a consistent basis, the coaching staff likes him, and his PFF score (flawed as PFF is) was better than that of Shaq, Lorax, and Hughes last year. What I see is a lot of box score analysis that weighs sacks way too heavily.
  22. He added value to the board by scouring the internet for Bills related info and aggregating it here. His opinion, commentary, and analysis, however, wasn't worth the time it took to read.
  23. Not to defend Burr, but if he's going down Nancy Pelosi and damn near every member of Congress needs to go down with him.
  24. I remember being excited when we got Kawika Mitchell and Nick Barnett because they had started for teams that didn't suck.
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