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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. The problem is that we have whiney little piss ants that can't take what they dish out and lack the balls to stand up for themselves annoying the mods in hopes that they'll do away with the board altogether. They stir the pot, then run to tattle when they get what they have coming, and then the other guy gets in trouble. These are the kind of people no one likes, respects, or wants to hang out with. They constantly project their shortcomings on those they perceive as their adversaries. These guys couldn't get laid in a morgue, but their favorite insult is "incel." They behave like children while berating others for acting childish. They toss personal insults while calling others bullies. They adopt their leaders every word while calling those who question the gospel cult members. They continually reference debunked falsehoods while calling others liars. These are not political differences, they are personality defects. But just as the squeaky wheel gets the oil, the whiney b!tch boy gets his way. So it goes.
  2. Just being honest, bro. If you disappeared tomorrow, by next week no one would remember you were ever here.
  3. On the contrary, I (and I suspect most) prefer having more opposing viewpoints to debate. You're the ones who want to silence the people who disagree with you. We just want the right to explain why you're wrong. You guys don't handle that well. Who do you see celebrating the banning of a poster with different political views?
  4. A valuable contributor has been jettisoned to the delight of those who collectively contribute virtually nothing to the conversation. Most either spam the board with vapid nonsense, or drop by for hit and run posts that they can't be bothered to support. It's a sad day for PPP. The worst among us wanted to kill this forum, and it looks like they've gotten their wish.
  5. Not surprisingly, you've offered no evidence. People who care enough to respond and can support their position do, but for some reason you didn't. Perhaps it's because you can't. Prove me wrong.
  6. The tires are the things on your car that make contact with the road. Your car is the thing on the road that takes you back to your abode.
  7. I didn't provide a link to prove a negative? That's your argument?
  8. Why don't you provide some actual evidence and see. As expected, your only "evidence" is the word of the SPLC, which is about as persuasive as citing the Daily Stormer. You linked 3 articles that are long on narrative and short on facts. The only "evidence" you provided is that 100s of emails he sent to someone he allegedly trusted as a like minded colleague were characterized as racist by the SPLC. If these emails are so damning, why don't we get any specifics? One would think a glimpse into the private emails sent to a fellow "white supremacist" would be rife with damning quotes, yet we get virtually nothing. Doesn't that seem odd to you? Do you have any actual EVIDENCE, or are you just a blind follower of your cult leaders?
  9. That's as much as I suspected. If I'm waiting for any actual, compelling evidence I assume I'll be waiting a long time. It's a consistent trend. Leftists spew narratives that they believe like the gospel, then when asked for evidence they've got nothing. Still, their faith in the narrative is unshaken. The left is a cult.
  10. Still waiting for some evidence of Miller's "white supremacy."
  11. I've known for some time that uber woke leftists are mostly emotionally damaged individuals with antisocial personality traits (and generally poor math skills). They consistently confirm this theory. Show me a well adjusted, emotionally stable SJW with a healthy self image and I'll show you a unicorn.
  12. Antifa's too far to the right for you?
  13. In other words, failure to acknowledge your mischaracterizations as reality equates to support for the things you falsely alleged.
  14. So basically you're okay with most conservatives but hate the media created caricature that exists in your mind.
  15. One of the symptoms of TDS is hallucinations. Everyone to your right appears "alt-right".
  16. I hope you reconsider. I don't always agree with your takes, but I appreciate your contributions and respect your point of view. It'd be a shame to let an overzealous and intolerant mod run you off.
  17. https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/1/proud-boys-black-lives-matter-leaders-hold-joint-c/ Proud Boys, Black Lives Matter leaders hold joint conference: We 'denounce White supremacy'
  18. Kind of like calling everyone a racist.
  19. Assuming for a moment that the FBI is the proper arbiter of such matters, what does that mean in this situation?
  20. Who gets to determine which groups are HATE groups?
  21. Is it not obvious? The fact that you're offended by the insinuation says it all. Do you get indignant at the claim of white privilege? No one in media does. In fact, it's considered racist to deny the concept. But claiming any other group experiences any measure of privilege is considered racist. So ... you have the privilege of not being labeled privileged (except maybe by the occasional poster on an obscure message board who's deemed a Nazi for doing so).
  22. You have the privilege of living your life without the burden of government, corporations, and media imputing characteristics and responsibilities to you based on your race/ethnicity.
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