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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. I don't necessarily agree with her geopolitical theory (at least not entirely), but she makes a powerful point.
  2. Twitter's a squirt of piss in the ocean compared to Google.
  3. If conservatives hope to survive the purge we have to stop funding those who seek to destroy us. There is no reason to use Google, and certainly no reason to click on any Google ads. I use Duckduckgo and occasionally bing and they work just fine. If they lose 1/3 of their traffic to competitors their monopoly dies.
  4. Dude gets fired because his girlfriend threatened to call the cops on a guy she thought was vandalizing a house by writing Black Lives Matter on it. Turns out the guy was defacing his own property. Sh!t's fukking crazy.
  5. It's funny how guys like you think the rest of us have never talked to a black person before. I probably know more black folks on a personal level than you've ever met. If you actually knew any black people in a meaningful way you'd know they're not a monolithic block. Strangely enough they're individuals with their own thoughts and opinions. I have a black friend that I watch the draft with every year and he thinks about as much of your guilty white social justice bull#### as I do. One of my wife's best friends is a black Democrat who knows we're conservatives and voted for President Trump and she thinks of us as family. I've known, worked, and hung out with plenty of black folks with a variety of opinions about racism, but none that have ever expressed the feeling that they're living under the strain of racial oppression. Some have spoken of specific incidents or general perceptions, but nothing on the level of what certain white people keep insisting. And in all the time we've spent together I've rarely seen anything racist directed towards any of them. Maybe I was "shielding them with my white privilege". ? I've been around some pretty racist black dudes too. I once worked with a guy who was a five percenter (doubt you even know what that is) who gave me an in depth summary of his beliefs, including that the white man is the devil. Another black guy told me that he didn't even like white people but that I was his friend. You know what, we were still cool. I don't cry like a kitty because someone has an offensive opinion. You know what else. Most black folks don't melt like a snowflake when you have a real conversation about these topics. I've known black folks from all different backgrounds. Some that grew up in the country, white suburbs, black suburbs, and inner city. I've smoked blunts with black guys in the projects. I've been to multiple gatherings where my wife and I were the only white people in attendance. I've been to barbecues in the hood. My niece and nephew are black. I also sat through more than a few lectures on systemic racism on my way to a doctorate degree, including those from a black Marxist who used his classroom as a vehicle to promote Critical Race Theory. So yeah, I've heard a little bit about what black folks think. I didn't turn 70, have a conversation with a few black folks I fetishized and held up as virtue pets, and become woke. But thanks for the advice.
  6. I know you think you said something clever, but what you really said is that it's only okay when it's something you don't like.
  7. Imagine if the black player lost his starting spot for wearing an MSNBC shirt.
  8. That's kind of the point. The world we are living in is becoming increasingly divisive, toxic, and intolerant of opposing points of view. That's not something to celebrate or encourage.
  9. You're further illustrating my point. It's no longer enough to respect each other's differences, you must now subscribe to my views wholesale, lest you be labeled a bigot. The organization Black Lives Matter is not just an abstract notion standing for the proposition that we should care if black people die. It's a political organization with a much broader platform. It is not racist, nor does it disrespect anyone's right to freedom, equality, and dignity, to criticize the organization, its methods, or its sincerity. This deification of BLM is the equivalent of holding my hypothetical political activist organization above reproach. It's called Stop Molesting Children. We protest child abuse and adopt the entire right-wing platform. Anyone who criticizes us is a pedophile. See how ridiculous that sounds? To another point, if you're going to attribute all the statements of all the commentators of any station to anyone who openly likes that station, then no one can like any news network without being maligned.
  10. It's not different. Of course they have the option, but the fact that this is even an issue speaks to the bigger problem. The idea that a coach wearing a shirt with a news station logo lead people to worry about the well being of their kids or build mistrust illustrates the bigger societal problem here.
  11. That, in a nutshell, is everything that's wrong with this movement. It used to be enough to respect each other's rights to freedom, equality, and dignity. Now the message is if you don't share my political point of view you're a racist. This isn't progress. It's regressive and toxic.
  12. This is what passes for an argument now. They're quite literally saying that everyone who doesn't swallow the SJW agenda wholesale is a racist, and they deflect addressing any argument by labelling it racist.
  13. He knows better, he's just a lying sack of *****.
  14. Another feel good video
  15. I want to start a political activist organization and call it Stop Molesting Children. We're going to protest child molestation and adopt the entire right-wing agenda. Anyone who criticizes us is a pedophile.
  16. I want to start a political activist organization and call it Stop Molesting Children. We're going to fight child molestation and adopt the entire right-wing agenda. Anyone who criticizes us is a pedophile.
  17. Jerry Dunleavey RTed a bunch of Rick Wilson's old tweets he wishes he'd deleted.
  18. Speaking of cancel culture The wacko Twitter mob is calling for boycotts of Domino's over this.
  19. If you guys use Twitter, Michael Tracy is definitely worth following. He's a liberal, but he won't hesitate to call out leftist bull####.
  20. I've seen that before but it's inapposite to the example. That number (which is rounded up quite a bit) includes all shooting deaths by police. We're talking about people who are murdered, or at least killed without reasonable justification, by police. It's hard to get a precise number on that, but it's clearly the minority of cases. WaPo now shows 14 unarmed black men were killed by cops last year (up from 9 two weeks ago. It's likely that not ALL shootings of armed men are justified, just as not all shootings unarmed men are unjustified. So I can't fairly give an exact number. So it is fair to say that I cannot definitely conclude that you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than being murdered by a cop, but the fact that it's in the ballpark says a lot about the actual risk vs the perception.
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