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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. Mostly peaceful rioters try to storm the John Marshall courthouse in Richmond today.
  2. His time line is off, and Barr may not issue indictments after all, but the substance of his allegations have proven true for the most part.
  3. I'll put his track record over the last few years up against the legacy media you consider news every day. Watching you guys slurp up every helping of horsesh!t they serve you would be entertaining if it wasn't so irritating. No matter how many times you catch them telling bald faced lies you're so eager to believe the next one. Like the girl who's been cheated on a dozen times but wants so badly to believe she convinced herself this time it's real, and lashes out at the ones who tells her otherwise.
  4. Some of us have known that guy for years, long before you were sucking EJ's nuts on the BBMB. He's a good dude, he's very smart, and the board is less without him. It's my understanding that he'll be back to spank you in a few weeks, so don't break out the champagne just yet. ^This fu¢king guy, on the other hand, could disappear tomorrow and no one would miss him.
  5. The driver of this car was shot through the passenger side window before he pulled away. This is how CNN reported it
  6. Does it actually have to happen to be a concern, or is a fictional story enough?
  7. It's interesting that no legitimate news outlet has picked up this story. You'd think it would be front page news. It's almost as if it didn't happen.
  8. Even I feel bad for the "protestor" in this one. He has no one but himself to blame, but still. The FB link is way more disturbing. https://www.facebook.com/301874613743950/posts/625302761401132/?d=null&vh=e
  9. I would prefer not to, but I thought it was important because it involves the underlying cause we're told gives rise to the primary topic and it illustrates the reality of what we typically discuss only in theory.
  10. I'm not sure how much of this I believe, but it's definitely worth watching. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10220333537221288&id=1015197224&sfnsn=mo&d=n&vh=i
  11. A dude with a knife attacking a guy in a wheelchair.
  12. I go on Parler every day. It's important to have alternative platforms because the left owns the rest and are actively silencing us. Every time they cancel someone it's a warning to everyone else to stay in their lane. If we sit back passively and let them do it we deserve our fate.
  13. I'm not worried about that. Just torn between having another thread for discussing the broader topic, and spreading it out to where we're having the same conversation in multiple threads.
  14. I'm not happy about any of this, but let's be careful not to rock the boat. PPP is one of the most free and open boards I've visited. Scott has been good about maintaining that despite my suspicion that he may not share the prevailing world view of most posters down here. I don't like DR getting suspended one damn bit, but let's be measured in our response. I'd hate to see this board shut down.
  15. Was this in PPP, and do you know who he called out?
  16. Very little name calling goes on here, and when it does it's usually accompanied by an argument. If someone hurts your feelings just put them on ignore.
  17. Are you serious? What for?
  18. Question for the board: Should I start a separate thread to discuss the topics of racism, police brutality, and white privilege, as these are not all protest related, or should we keep all those topics confined to this thread?
  19. The sad thing is that as idiotic as this statement is, millions of people believe it.
  20. This guy doesn't seem to be getting the same coverage the dude in Charlottesville got. That seems odd. I noticed that. I had better technique at 12 just from watching Rambo. I'd think she'd face 5-20 on each count.
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