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Rob's House

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Everything posted by Rob's House

  1. Who wants to bet against this guy having a Twitter account with his blue checkmark intact this time next week? https://twitter.com/PrestonMitchum/status/1282811645455216641?s=19
  2. Nick Cannon commits career suicide. Just kidding. I'm sure he'll be hosting the next season of The Masked Singer. Blackness has its privileges.
  3. I know stealing is wrong, but think of how many black lives they saved.
  4. If I were Snyder and had to change the name I'd make it: The Washington Football Team. The mascot would be a football player.
  5. Your sister is hot.
  6. "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers" - Thomas Jefferson
  7. I hate to re-post this guy because he's kind of a POS, but he posts pertinent info.
  8. I don't want to be too hard on him. I like him on the main board. I'm guessing he's not one to follow politics in depth and probably came here with sincere intentions, if not the best tact. At least he's willing to engage. Most of the woke warriors are afraid to venture down here, or if they do just drop in for snarky hit and run posts. If he wants to have a real discussion I'm happy to engage him.
  9. I want to start by saying I appreciate your willingness to have an open discussion even if I don't appreciate your approach. I watched it and was and was not impressed. I feel comfortable saying without reservation that this was not an informative documentary but rather a political propaganda piece. I was already familiar with most of the subject matter beforehand. There were a small handful of things I wasn't specifically aware of, but most of the things I had specific knowledge of were littered with mischaracterizations and/or outright lies. It would take hours to address them all ,but I'll point out two that were particularly egregious. 1. Trayvon Martin - This segment was an absolute travesty. The entire incident was grossly misrepresented, and the focus of the extended segment was on "stand your ground" laws, which had no bearing to the case. This isn't my opinion, it's incontrovertible fact. Zimmerman forewent the "stand your ground" hearing. The media talked about it a lot, but it had no bearing on the case. Yet this segment claims it as true and further claims it illustrates the horror of a law they claim is inherently racist. Then they spin it into a whole bit about how Wal Mart, ALEC, etc. pushed this "racist" law to sell guns. The whole thing was an absolute farce. 2. Donald Trump - The bulk of the "documentary" was about over criminalization within the Federal court system, but they never once mention that President Trump pushed for and signed the prison reform bill. That's not educating the audience, it's selectively reporting only that which supports the narrative. Even worse was the absolutely disgusting piece where they played clips of President Trump making statements about throwing violent agitators (most of whom were white) out of his rallies over a montage of blacks being punched, pushed, and arrested, to falsely imply that he long's for the days when the uppity blacks would catch a beating for acting up. That level of dishonesty is disgraceful. These are just two examples of many, but as the saying goes, Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus (false in one, false in all). If they're lying about the things I can verify, it is fair to assume they're lying about everything. If you have to lie to make your point you don't have one. If these are the types of sources you get your information from, and these are the narratives you believe, we don't necessarily have a difference of opinion. We're commenting on separate sets of facts. As Ronald Reagan once said, it's not that liberals are stupid, it's that they know so much that isn't true.
  10. You might not see this one on CNN. https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2020/07/ex-cop-murdered-wisconsin-being-white-daniel-greenfield/
  11. Oh, I know. I normally pay him no mind. Sometimes I just like to have a little fun at his expense.
  12. The fact that you even ask that exposes you for what you are. You just projected your mindset onto me assuming that I think the same way as you. Like most liberals who think everyone is racist because they themselves are repressed racists, you assume others are as depraved as you are.
  13. Girls walking around drunk at 3 a.m. in skimpy outfits? Not looking to get fukked? Sure, Jan. Victim blaming hypocrisy aside, how telling is it that this POS is trying to justify the senseless murder of a child's mother for the crime of saying "all lives matter." These are malignant people.
  14. Of course. I don't know how any rational person could claim otherwise without using some impossibly broad interpretation of the term. We ended segregation and even instituted unconstitutional affirmative action measures to give minorities preferential treatment. If you've got an argument for the proposition that blacks were subject to systemic racial discrimination in the year 2000 I'd love to hear it.
  15. Failing to bend the knee is the essence of white supremacy.
  16. ^When an innocent white person is murdered by a black/Antifa racist we must consider the mitigating factors, even where none exist. When a black criminal is killed by a white person, cop, or Hispanic guy with a white sounding name, it is automatically deemed a clear cut case of racially motivated murder, and all mitigating and exculpatory evidence is ignored even where it is plentiful.
  17. I rest my case.
  18. It's based on the meme that says all Trump supporters decided racism wasn't a deal breaker. The difference is that there is overwhelming evidence that BLM is a Marxist organization including direct statements confirming as much by its founders. The only evidence of President Trump's racism is that liberals call him a racist.
  19. I haven't heard much about this in msm.
  20. It's interesting that you give such a detailed explanation of your argument here, but when declaring President Trump is racist you have virtually nothing to support it with. Seems a consistent trend with the crowd that sees white racism everywhere.
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