I'm not sure about Osweiler. I get that he's a 6'7" gunslinger... but how has that worked out in the past? Derek Anderson immediately comes to mind. Maybe it's the fact that they both came from mediocre PAC 10 schools.
I REALLY like Wisconsin's Russell Wilson later in the draft.
He's athletic (4.55 40). He's an accurate passer with good mechanics. And he's very smart. He picked up and ran the Wisconsin offense in only an offseason and lead them to 11-3 season. The only 2 regular season losses, the Badgers trailed for about 1 minute total (Hail Mary with :00 left on the clock against MSU, and a late heave at OSU). The Third loss, a shoot out in the bowl game against #5 Oregon.
The biggest knock on him is that he's too short (5'11"). But let's be honest, we can all think of tall quarterbacks who are terrible, so I don't buy this as a legitimate reason he WON'T be successful in the NFL.
Let's just take a simple Buffalo example... Rob Johnson vs. Doug Flutie. Johnson was taller, right?
Scouts like to make up reasons why people can't do it, but arguably one of the top 3 QBs in the NFL right now is 6-foot-nothing (Brees). Sure, he will sail a couple more balls. He'll miss a play here and there. But if he's smart enough to know the weakness in his game and know how to adapt (which I think he is), why not grab him in a later round, let him play behind Fitz for a couple years and see where he comes out. he's got to be better than Thigpen (who is just terrible).
He's also a winner. I can't think of many top tier NFL Quarterbacks that LOST in College and win in the NFL. In fact, I'm not sure I can think of one (Unless you count Cutler). I'm not saying it has to be a National Champion, or even D1, but you have to know how to win. I'm not saying winning makes you great, but until I see a QB that didn't win in college become a top tier QB in the NFL, my opinion will remain that if you lost in college, I'm not interested.
I just don't buy into the "Built like an NFL Quarterback" argument. And mostly because of The JeMarcus Russells, Derek Andersons, Ryan Leafs, Rob Johnsons, and so on and so on...
I think Wilson is the type of QB Chan can like with his athleticism and his intelligence. He's a winner and seems to be a stand up citizen.