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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. That missed tackle undoubtedly resulted in a note being made in Coaches book
  2. Williams got toasted pretty bad again last night.I wonder if he is related to JD? It's scary going into the season with him starting. On the other hand What Happened to McLovin? This guy is playing phenominal! It looks like the lights finally came on for him. I hope he keeps it up.
  3. He made a nice play against Detroit last night when he made a stop behind the los but he once again showed that he is not willing to lay out the big hit and really stick someone when the opportunity presents its self. IMO a good MLB has to live for that. But what do I know? If he'd just freakin drill somebody I'd like him.
  4. The guy basically hasn't played in two years. I think he has showed enough potential that he deserves a chance to get his game legs going. I would hate to see him get cut and end up having a good career somewhere else. The thing is we know what all of the other recievers on the bubble are bringing to the table. Not so much with Easley. I like Roosevelt too. We will know soon enough.
  5. Hopefully he can recover, make the team and walk away on his own terms
  6. I like the guy and I wish he was pushing Fitz.. The Bills could have drafted him in the 3rd round last year (we got Sheppard instead) and I also seem to recall rumors that the Pats had him on the trading block. Just another addition to the list of players that got away although he is still unproven at this point.
  7. If trying to earn a job isn't enough of a "pressure situation" then what is? I agree. What a shame. I thought maybe with a full camp and pre-season but it ain't happening.
  8. has anyone ever seen Shep put a good lick on anyone? cause I have been waiting and I haven't seen it yet
  9. I think there is now a solid core of players to build a team around. They basically started with nobody 3 years ago. All of the dead wood has been trimmed. Could still use a stud middle linebacker and reciever. Maybe some tight end depth. If they can keep their own and upgrade these areas next year I think the sky is the limit. I expect them to make some noise this year. How much noise is yet to be heard. There is alot on Fitz's shoulders this year and he needs to step up.
  10. Cordy is learning. Just wait until he gets pissed off in a real game. Would you like maple syrup with that?
  11. I think Jasper will get cut first. He is struggling with his assignments.
  12. 5 pages of posts. LOL. I was only kidding!
  13. Why would you keep Brad Smith on your roster as a Wildcat QB when you have Vince Young? Is it possible Smith may be a reciever or get cut? Anyways hopefully Young can beat out Thigpen and make the team.
  14. That is the response I would expect from someone with no respect for others
  15. I can see him running out of the press box, down the stairs, onto the sideline, pointing his finger at someones chest, spitting on them a little, and then running all the way back up to the press box.
  16. Nobody.......... gets off the ground quicker!
  17. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Isn't that the disclaimer investors always use? Thats because every now and then the unexpected occurs.
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