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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Nobody really knew if Lynch was going to straighten his act out or not. Sure, I'd be great to have him on the team now because FJ is all but done (concussions, fumblitis, injuries, age). Spiller apparently can't carry the entire load himself. Looks like we will be looking for another RB for next year and yes, Lynch was another wasted 1st round pick.
  2. It's nice to see Carrington step up. On the other hand, Darius not so much.
  3. Has anyone heard the new band called "3 Starting Linebackers and a Quarterback"?
  4. How many times has FJ been literally knocked out this year and last? Don't get me wrong, he is tough as hell and I love me some FJ but concussions are cumulative and he is on the wrong side of 30. Just something that needs to be considered.
  5. From what I remember Bledsoe had the worst game ever. So bad I think he cried over it.
  6. Just curious. Anyone hear? The Thursday night game should have worked out well for him so he could hunt Saturday and Sunday.
  7. I no longer go to the idiot convention unless I get free tickets in a suite.
  8. Whats he gonna say on the Murph Show? Your QB sucks and the team should tank the rest of the year and draft a good QB?
  9. Just make the end zones red again please!
  10. I wish that "punk" was on our team. And not that it matters but he was "looking" at what he hit. Isn't that how you are supposed to hit these days? Or doesn't that apply to QB's?
  11. The math has never been a secret. Problem is no coach in the NFL has the coyones to do it.
  12. Wanny's guys are gonna line up and beat you one on one because they do everything better
  13. Chan is the OC. He doesn't have time to watch the D also. Duh!
  14. I had ligament damage in my forearm. It took a year and a half to completely heal on its own. Had little strength because it hurt.
  15. Maybe Shep will be the one to pick up Mario's fridge and smash it after the next loss
  16. How is saying "you'll have to talk to the player" taking any heat off the player? That is the opposite.
  17. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121029/SPORTS/121029172/two-bills-drive1004 More evidence that Gailey doesn't know his team. When he says "I don't know. You should probably talk to the player about that". It speak volumes to me. A coach that knows his team should know his players. It sound like Dareus could use someone to talk to. Isn't that part of what a coach does? But then again, Gailey has stated he is hands off with the defense which make him basically a glorified OC. Dareus was a monster last year. Obviously he has some things going on that are affecting his production and this 2nd rate organization doesn't have the capacity to help him through it.
  18. Beat Em Bills! (saw that on the scoreboard)
  19. No Thanks. Saved the Sabres my arse. He bought them dirt cheap and made a huge profit. It was purely a business deal. The league saved the Sabres. Not Golisano. The Bills need an owner whos biggest goal is to win a Superbowl. Anything less and they may as well relocate as far as I am concerned cause I have seen enough.
  20. I watched some of Julius Peppers last night. Wow. That defense is fast. They make Buffalo look like they are running half speed. Then again, almost any defense make them look that way.
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