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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. I agree with the OP. I have heard that he will only play if he is 100%. How many players are at 100% during the season? BS. Get out there and play. Quit being a kitty kat and man up. Your team needs you.
  2. Watching my Grandfather sit by the radio faithfully listening every Sunday back in the early 80's. Back then I just didn't understand.
  3. I watched the last few plays out of the corner of my eye with my head about 60 degrees to the screen. I was watching as I was moving out of my old house and I won't be back there for any more games. Dammit.
  4. I have so many good things to say about many players after this game but one that stood out that I haven't heard much talk about is Aaron Williams. Yea, he had a dumb penalty but this kid is a heat seeking missle. Did you hear those hits? Wow. I can tell you Gilmore won't get caught between him and a reciever again.
  5. I'd pay some kids to spray paint something nice in his yard.
  6. Once again FJ proves he is the heart of the O. Get him rolling and good things happen. Thats when you add a sprinkling of CJ. CJ is only good in space.
  7. I believe that German corner Weir Foched is available. Or was he a quarterback?
  8. I don't think he can return and play corner. Those awesome returns take alot out of a guy.
  9. Chandler down the middle and Smith jumping into the stands werx 4 me
  10. The Bills have one reciever thats ever done anything in the NFL. I wouldn't call that a log jam yet.
  11. Yes. Then he would disappear for the rest of the game
  12. I believe Goodwin is saluting the Marine and the Marine is saying touch down.
  13. Buying a bigger house with a sweet man cave with a bar, fireplace and room for a big screen TV. Them bitches better still be playing in January.
  14. Awesome video. Great work. God that Bennett was a monster. I had to look up no. 55. I forgot that was his original number. I will be watching this over and over. BRING BACK THE RED END ZONES!
  15. Read my signature. He should have resigned after the SF game
  16. Has anyone ever snuck out the back door more quietly? I hope it hit him. SOB couldn't even show his face on the field during the game. He is the biggest reason Gailey got fired and rightfully so. Plus......He couldn't even carry Marios wifes bag when he picked them up at the airport. Prick.
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