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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Wow. I actually forgot who G.E. was and had to read these posts to remember
  2. might as well post a clip of "wide right" and "no goal" while you are at it
  3. I don't fault Marrone for retaining Crossman. I fault him for hiring him in the first place. He hired a proven loser.
  4. If there is a franchise caliber QB available at 9 then I say pick him. EJ has not solidified a lock on the position and if you ain't got a great QB then you ain't got squat!
  5. These were Fitz's options: -Take a big pay cut and stay in Buffalo as a mentor/backup -Take a big pay cut and go somewhere nice as a back up. What would you do? I agree it would have been nice to keep him around but it wasn't going to happen with the contract he had.
  6. Sure he does. In a Joe Theismann kind of way.
  7. I listen to games while I am working in the garage. Usually after the Bills are eliminated from the playoffs and/or during blackouts. I absolutely can not stand listening to Mark Kelso. He over analyzes everything as to impress us with his football knowledge. If for example the runner jukes the db and get 5 more yards before running out of bounds then all I need is a description of events that helps me form a mental picture of what happened. I don't want to hear the theory of why he stepped to the right and shifted to the left by turning his shoulder then squaring off with the DB to carry the momentum of his fladerber on the backside after he split the seam and adjusted his angle of penetration up the shoot. I like me some Murph. I used to particularly enjoy listening to him keep Van straight when he had his senior moments. Sometimes I think he wants to tell Kelso to shut up like I do. It's time to get someone else in the booth with him. What say ye?
  8. The smallest guy in the NFL was tall today
  9. Was Metzelaars even in the same category as the guys mentioned above? I mean he could block or catch the ball and fall down to get you 3 or 4 yards all day long but I don't ever remember him catching a ball in stride down the hashmarks like even Chandler does.
  10. Don't laugh. Can anyone really see the Bills winning the Super Bowl with Stevie Johnson as a reciever?
  11. I would say SJ is on thin ice with the Coach right now. I think Marrone is going to make an example soon out of one of these losers and SJ may be the one.
  12. Hand the ball to Spiller 20 times and you might get a big run or two and 18 or 19 gains of 1 yard. This team can't afford to screw up those one or two good runs.
  13. I'll bet Buddy Hackett could make Pettine smile
  14. Andre is on my HOF team. He was clutch. Didn't he invent YAC? I wish I could find a clip from the game where he broke about 6 tackles and scored.
  15. Marrone is a Head Coach. Not a coordinator trying to be a head coach. Maybe that will be the difference.
  16. Nevermind his uncanny ways of getting open and his toughness.....Just what did Stevie say to get that Jets CB so rattled in their first game? Never seen a reciever have that kind of impact before.
  17. I would like to add that last week they played like a collection of screw ups. This week they played together as a team in all phases. I credit the coaching staff for this turnaround. In previous years they have mailed it in at this point in the season.
  18. If I had a weapon that only went off every 10 times I pulled the trigger that wouldn't work to well
  19. I'd trade Spiller in a heartbeat. He doesn't seem to fit this offense or something. Can't just keep running into the back of your O lineman, bouncing out to the left and getting flattened. Fred gets it done and is tough as nails but he is getting up there. The Bills will have to find a replacement for him soon. I'd trade Spiller for his replacement or a decent draft pick right now. Maybe he will make me eat these words but I ain't seeing it.
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