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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. It wasn't a deliberate looking head butt. He made the effort to make it look like he was just standing up aggressively.
  2. I am officially now in the Gilmore Sucks club. I was giving him a pass because of his injuries and such but not anymore. The guy couldn't tackle his grandmother not to mention cover her. He is a liability against the run. All he does is slow them down until help arrives.
  3. This is the kind of game where the offense needs to score some points. The D gave up 20 to a good team and 0 in the 2nd half. That ain't too bad.
  4. I was flying out of DFW Monday morning. Sure was a lot of red there too.
  5. Why are so many down on Marrone? What have nice guys and yes men got us. Being responsible sometimes means pissing people off. Marrone is doing what it takes to change a losing culture. Give him a chance.
  6. He is going to return kicks until he pukes!
  7. I can't believe that guy didn't have to walk home from San. Francisco.
  8. How patient can we be with a "project QB" that can't hit an open receiver with any consistency.? I don't know but it seems like that is not a problem that any starting NFL QB should have. I sue hope we are pleasantly surprised when real bullets start flying.
  9. As long as TJ Grahm continues to perform at a high level there is a chance .
  10. After they play a real game he may actually have something to talk about. I am sure all of this psychobabble is as old to him as it is to everyone on this board that keeps inventing things to talk about
  11. At this point Marrone isn't a yes man. He is going to say what he has to say and do what he has to do to turn this around. Or get fired trying. I don't really think he cares who it pisses off. JMO
  12. Buddy himself said he wasn't leaving until he got the Bills their QB. Look it up.
  13. In a heartbeat. Much better than the 2nd and 3rd scabs we have
  14. Changing the culture of a losing organization ain't easy. Sometimes being responsible means pissing people off. I just think of all the times they were playing with a lead in the 4th quarter and everyone was waiting for the wheels to fall off. I think he is trying to instill the discipline required to close the deal. Not everyone is going to buy into this and they need to be weeded out.
  15. I agree. As Manuel sinks or swims those 3 made the decision that they are going with him. They may be gone anyways with the new owner but not having a plan b option at QB is a major concern for the right now.
  16. I like what Marrone is doing. These are the things that can help close the deal in the 4th quarter. You know like when we are all watching and waiting for the wheels to fall off.
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