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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. I think it's time for the offensive breakout game we have been waiting for. Sorry Jets. It's time to pay the Bills!
  2. I heard someone mention that CJ was going to Seattle before he got hurt. He would have been the perfect replacement for Percy Harvin. I don't know if Seattle has any good guards laying around. Now we will never know.
  3. I would call what Gilmore does "slowing down" until help arrives. Not tackling. Also A A Ron Williams was playing with a bum wrist and I could feel the pain every time he made a stop. He showed some real guts staying in the game
  4. The better question is how many times can he get up?
  5. I was face to face with Jones son at the Dallas County Club awhile back. I should have punched him in the stomach and said " that's from Buffalo biatch" LOL.
  6. The value of the trade will be apparent when Spiller and/or Jackson are out due to injury.
  7. I just love how people that have no clue (I include myself) like to 2nd guess coaches. Coaches know these guys and see them every day so I give them the benefit of the doubt. We have a rookie playing LG who is progressing I think. We have a rookie playing RT who is playing better than could be expected. Pears moved to RG so he could help the rookie RT. I don't think they want another rookie to replace Pears yet. There is still hope that this line can get it together.
  8. He needs to continue building on what they have going now. He needs to keep the team together and playing hard when things get tough. This is only year two for him and if he can do that and continually improve then there is no doubt he deserves another year and hopefully many more. A winning record this year would be great.
  9. Pretty simple I think. The guy wants to catch some balls.
  10. What a bunch of comedians. This is the best thing that could have happened to the Bills. Where is the respect?
  11. Sometimes a fish fry is just a fish fry.
  12. I don't need this abuse. I'm going to get a fish fry.
  13. I apologize for the multiple posts. I had a PC problem. I am serious and why is it so far fetched? Obviously taking the training wheels off for that game showed EJ is not ready yet. Orton may give them the best chance right now and they had to get him on the field somehow.
  14. Hackett and Marrone literally put the Texans game in EJ's hand. They deliberately abandoned the run and relied on the passing game knowing the real EJ would be exposed. This made benching EJ much easier and is what is getting Orton on the field this week. Brilliant I say!
  15. Sometimes being responsible means pissing people off. It's about time the Bills had a real Head Coach.
  16. C'mon man. Didn't you see that TD pass to Mike Williams?
  17. Excitement? No. I was hoping to get that from EJ. I would call it cautious optimism that maybe better QB play will help this team.
  18. I am no analyst but what I saw was: Rivers didn't make any mistakes. He took what the D was giving and his playmakers turned those small plays into big plays. D line couldn't get to Rivers. Certain CB's that can't cover or tackle. I think the comparison to Wanstants D is reasonable. SD was not afraid of the Bills offense at all by the end of the game. They got conservative otherwise they probably could have hung more points on them. Overall the got beat up front on both sides of the ball.
  19. I was watching the game yesterday that the Bills lost I wish I could find a replay and it doesn't really matter but I remember Spikes helmet was moving more vertically then it was horizontally. And I swear I did not drink even one beverage with alcohol in it.
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