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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Great stats. We have more killin to look forward too.
  2. It was tough out there. They had to call in Rambo!
  3. In the grand scheme of things....why not have a professional paid cheerleader team? I have not been to a game without cheerleaders . It can't be the same. I have seen the Cowboys Cheerleaders and it definitely adds to the experience.
  4. Marrone Stays Whaley Stays Brandon strikes me as a suck hole. I guess it depends on what Mr. Pegula thinks
  5. I just have to say Pears Sucks with a capital S. They can't get one yard with Pears flopping around on the ground. Cujowhateverhisname must be really bad if he can't take this guys job. I beginning to really question Woods too. They can't run with these guys. I love this D but the lack of a running game is going to do them in. I can't believe they won and only converted one third down. Is that right?
  6. We got lucky landing Schwartz. Screw Pettine. He is the enemy now
  7. I hope Pettine feels the proverbial door hitting him in the rear Sunday! Whitner will lay a hit or two and then fade away like usual. I feel a FJ stiff arm coming
  8. Big, Big, game. The Bills could make a statement but are also set up for a letdown after the big emotional butt whooping they layed down Monday night. This game will show what they are made of. If they can't beat the Browns then they don't deserve to be in the playoffs
  9. He probably got a Bobcat for dragging all those deers
  10. I am not giving up n Orton either. Get Fred rollin and everything will take care of itself.
  11. Brandon is history as soon as this season is over
  12. He can't roll out. He can't move the pocket. His coordinator sucks. His HC makes questionable calls. Seeing Orton shaking his head last night because he had no answers did it for me. This team is going nowhere this year but the one good thing is that EJ is getting to watch and learn from a veteran. 7-9 here we come. SSDY
  13. Orton would have to start sucking real bad before you see EJ. More likely it will be an injury that gets him back in the game. I am thinking I should delete this before I even post it because I said the same thing about Bryce Brown the week before he was activated
  14. Experts at what? Sucking up to the big market teams. The announcers were horrible too. I was screaming hello! the Jets are down 20 points! and the were talking like they were winning.
  15. My biggest wth moment was when chased someone to the sidelines and then fell down for no apparent reason. It was like he tripped over his own feet.
  16. I was surprised Coach didn't pull Orton with 3 minutes left and let EJ mop it up. Kind of risky to leave your starting QB out there with the game in hand and thing getting a little "chippy". Would have been a nice bone to throw EJ too.
  17. Honestly, I don't know why we have cheerleaders when I got boobs like this
  18. Bryce, whatever you do just please hold on to the ball.
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