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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Please, Please, Please take him. Then the last of the remaining stench will be gone.
  2. Marrone is the first real head coach this team has had in a long time. Others were glorified coordinators. He will take us there. Who knows how EJ would have progressed if he played all year? Next year he needs to step up and win the job over a solid veteran. I hope they somehow obtain one (beg, steal, kidnap whatever). The whole middle of the OL needs upgraded Russ Brandon needs to find a new job. The stench permeates him. Keep The Schwartz at all costs. I am up in the air with Hackett. Not sure how much he is the blame for the inexcusable lack of a run game. Take care of these things and it's Super Bowl Baby!
  3. Everybody that knows anything said Manuel was a project QB from the beginning. It was not the plan to start him right away. Last year he was to learn behind Mr. Concussion floor matt slipper. He wasn't ready to start this year either obviously. I am not sure what the plan was with Orton coming in after camp. I'd really like to know the whole story on that one. But anyways, next year is year 3 and this should be the time for Manuel to step up. I am rooting for him and I think he is going to do it. He has all of the things Orton didn't. Hopefully he can also do the things Orton could do.
  4. I like Chandler. I hope the Big Dummy sticks around and we find his complement
  5. Let's get his name on the wall. But seriously you gotta wonder where his head is at. He's leaving 5 million on the table.
  6. Now don't laugh but I really do think many Bills actually lurk on TBD. Why wouldn't they?. Eric Pears and Eric Wood have taken a beating on this site for their performance this year and got a lot of blame for offensive failures. Regardless of their talent levels these guys are true Buffalo Bills. They've got heart, never give up and fight till the end. They leave it all on the field every game. Don't forget Pears changed position and brought along his replacement at RT. These guys are warriors and I admire them.
  7. The Bills beat the Pats. Quit yer whining
  8. What has changed since the last time they played? -both of the Bills starting corners are out. -the Pats are playing better football. - the Bills offense has gotten worse I don't think 10.5 is enough
  9. Hate to say it but FJ is painfully slow. Determination is what got him yards this year. Booby is not good at short yardage situations. Brown ain't got it and is always a threat to fumble Spiller is a gimmick. Not a starting running back. Someone is going to pay him more than the Bills will. Of course a decent O line would make all of them look better but it won't change things
  10. Two years from now when Sammy is one of the best nobody will care about what we gave up to draft him. The question is whether the people that drafted him will still be here. I more concerned with the potential whiff on Kujowhateverhisnameis. Maybe he will improve for next year. Unless they get some top notch NFL caliber experienced coaching on the offensive side of the ball they are just spinning their wheels. The complete lack of a run game is inexcusable. Marrones only chance at not going 3 and out is to fire his little buddy and get some help.
  11. It wouldn't be fair to throw EJ in now. I don't know what team will show up but if they mail it in it would not be very confidence inspiring. Plus if somehow EJ managed to light it up Marrone would catch flack for not playing him against the Raiders
  12. One question. Has Orton ran a QB sneak all year? I think of all the short yardage failures this year and can't think of one. That speaks volumes to me.
  13. No way. EJ has value and I not ready to give up on him. He was expected to be a project. The Bears will probably accept a mid round pic for Cutler just to get rid of his contract. This would be a very dumb trade
  14. Average life expectancy for an NFL player is 55. I am guessing Conte doesn't have any children yet.
  15. Speaking of Bryce Brown. Am I the only one that cringes every time he runs the ball? I find myself yelling "Hold on to the Ball!". The way he carries it drives me crazy.
  16. That's great but they still gotta play this Sunday
  17. There ain't two people on earth that want the playoffs more than those two
  18. As long as 70 and 79 keep getting pushed back into Orton's face he will keep missing those wide open receivers
  19. Not allowed to speak of this yet. Focus on Raiders.
  20. I'd be OK with him replacing Tuel
  21. It's great to have someone that can come up HUGE when needed. Kinda like Bruce Smith did. So glad Mario chose to come here. Yea the money may have persuaded him or the fact that they wouldn't let him leave until he signed a contract but I don't think he would rather be anywhere else right now.
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