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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Could it be he was just a guy trying to do a job the best he knew how? Sometimes being responsible means pissing people off.
  2. 1. They weren't needed. They are all backups 2. How do we know he didn't practice there? 3. Marrone made it clear they wanted to win and Orton was there best chance. This isn't a "tryout" league. You do play to win I hope. I see no conspiracy here.
  3. You know that article is a year old right? Not that it matters. I'd take him in a heartbeat though.
  4. Who stands to gain by tampering charges? The Bills because they ain't paid Marrone yet and it may go to court I'm guessing.
  5. Who is the last ex nfl coach to leave the broadcast booth to go back into coaching? It seems like once they get a tv gig they get fat and happy.
  6. I think he has done well for a bright eyed young guy. He does need someone hardened by old age and treachery above him. Brandon should not be that guy. Now Mr. P is filling that role until he finds someone he is comfortable with paying to do it for him. The fringe players will be gone once Mr. P gets his ducks in row. Brandon may stay in a business capacity. Whaley will probably stay if Mr. P likes him. It seems to me that Marrone and Whaley had a disconnect. Maybe a personality clash. It's too bad because although he may have been a dick, I think Marrone did change the culture of the team. Sometimes some body needs to be an a hole. Sometime people perform better when the are mad. It can take some to the next level i.e. Jerry Hughes, Robert Woods. I think Marrone needs an enemy. Unfortunately I think it was Whaley. Do your job Dougie and get us a good Coach and somehow make The Schwarz happy to stay put.
  7. I hope you are right because a blind man could see this coming if he knew those contract details. Also I notice Mr. P called him an "important part" in his statement. Marrone is just one man and he is replaceable.
  8. I liked Marrone and supported him before this went down. I would have probably made the same decision BUT no statement thanking the fans really shows what a no class a hole he must really be. I hope he goes to the Jets. Karma is a B word.
  9. The funny thing is how could the franchise not have predicted Marrone would take the 4 million dollar golden parachute option? I could have predicted it if I had known about it. Something smells funny to me. If there wasn't some type of plan in place then the Bills truly are a mess. I hope there is more to the story yet to come
  10. Where are those kids that spray painted McLovins front yard?
  11. The Ultimate Irish Goodbye. He even outdid Orton if he actually collects the reported 4 mil.
  12. I call BS. Adam Bengnini or whatever his name is doesn't know crap. Pure BS as is Frank Reich being a consideration.
  13. The only problem with the OP's post is the Bills lost a good coach and now don 't have one
  14. Losing Marrone sets this team back anyway you look at it. He was a good coach and he had this team playing. It was a smart move for him to walk away and collect his 2015 salary while also being one of the most wanted coaches. I believe he wanted an extension and deserved it. Unfortunately Mr. P was not going to to that at this point. Why? I don't know. Internal conflict? Waiting for a professional evaluation before he did anything? Or maybe he was smart enough to see this coming and has another plan. Hopefully it's the latter and we shall know soon. If not then this will probably be a major setback.
  15. The time is right Bill. Get er done Mr. P. Make it so Bill doesn't have to do those Direct TV commercials any more.
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