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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. I don't understand why some people think Wood will be better with better players beside him. Will he somehow become stronger? I have seen him pushed straight back into the QB too many times. We need an upgrade at this position
  2. Where else would he rather be than right here, right now?
  3. Fair trade. Fits Bills needs and they did fine without Alonzo last year. Plus who knows if he will be the same after the ACL injury.
  4. Yea right! Not a chance. My money says he will be starting week 1
  5. Hopefully both remain as Bills. I think we need Searcy more but you gotta wonder what a RB thinks when he see Spikes lined up staring him down. He kind of looks the alien from Predator.
  6. Remember when the Bills had the lead at halftime against the Cowboys? Then they gave the ball to Emmitt Smith. Nobody could tackle him. Especially Jeff Wright the undersized nose tackle.
  7. I like Beastmode. Wilson too. They should both be Bills. And no. I won "t let it rest.
  8. Why is everyone down on Chandler? I kinda like the Big Dummy. We may need someone to compliment him but he makes some big plays from time to time.
  9. Williams is marginal. Wood is a shell of what he was. I have seen him pushed back to the QB too many times. Any LG on the roster is a backup. Kujo is a tackle and so far not a good one. Pears is a tackle not a guard. He is good depth and helped bring along Henderson by playing next to him but I can't bear to see him flopping around on the ground on 3rd and 1 again. Dohhhhh bam bam bam (hitting head on wall). I actually think Marrone knew exactly what he had with this group
  10. Russell Wilson is the one that should be a Buffalo Bill. Nope.....gotta draft TJ effin Grahm. And I am not saying this in hindsight. I was yelling at the tv on draft day
  11. Give me a helmet. I am ready to play for him.
  12. Orton broke the curse when he retired. The dominoes are falling. Winds of change are blowing. Good times man
  13. Hey, there wasn't anybody else working 16 hours a day to make Kyle Williams a better player
  14. Can ya believe we had him in Buffalo and let him go?
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