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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. I would compare it to cheating in Nascar. And I imagine The Pats are not the only team that did it. Its only cheating when you get caught. Fine and dock points. In the NFL that would be a fine and maybe a suspension. Nascar doesn't take away wins.
  2. Sounds like the alcohol induced fight or f$&@ reflex kicked in and everyone knows there's no good looking women in Buffalo.
  3. somebodys got to knock the old guy off in camp
  4. Great pick. I was getting concerned that we starting to show a little age at the Williams position.
  5. Makes me wonder how McLovin is recovering from his broken ankle
  6. Nix was a good turd shiner just like the rest of them until the Pegulas came along.
  7. Ted Washington would fit the bill also
  8. I'd take Winfield over Odomes or Clements
  9. Yea, I wasn't sure which one it was but it sure was a whooping he put on
  10. Didn't Landry pretty much single handedly kick the Bills asses a couple years ago with the Jets?
  11. Gruden's QB U sold me on Russell Wilson a few years back. You could see he had "it". Unfortunately the people that matter must not have watched it. No, I won't let it go
  12. Glad he sees what I saw. Not even taking THE fumble into account he is always a threat to fumble the way he carries the ball.
  13. Has the rivalry really ever ended? Maybe for the sissy assed players the Bills had in the past but not for fans that remember Squish the Fish! Beat them like a bad restaurant closing early!
  14. I will go with that. Now, there ought to be an !@#$ around here somewhere that can play quarterback
  15. Hmmmn. Kinda sounds like a bully. Do ya think he may be our new kick return man?
  16. I wish he'd stick around. It's got to be intimidating for a rb to see the "predator" lined up staring him down.
  17. Chan made chicken soup out of chicken $&/!. Problem was it tasted like chicken $&/!
  18. Bummer. I kinda liked the Big Dummy. He was fearless down the hash marks.
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