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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Dixon was either cut or not resigned when Roman was with the 49'ers so I don't think that is the case. I have no idea why he is on this team. I really don't remember any standout special teams play from him. There must be something somebody likes about him. Surely there were better backup RB's available. Bryce Brown has dangerous ball carrying habits and was not coachable. That is why he is gone.
  2. Say what you want about Marrone but he had control of this team. Jerry "back it up 15" Hughes was constantly in his doghouse and know you see why. Preston Brown needs to learn a lesson. No excuse for this kind of play. It's sloppy. Rex is sloppy. Its all in the details. Someone needs to be accountable for it. I can see sticking up for your guys in public but ripping them a new one in private. That better be what is going on. Much more of this crap and I won't be wasting my time watching it. I can turn on the radio and get some work done.
  3. Say what you want about Marrone but he had control of this team. Jerry "back it up 15" Hughes was constantly in his doghouse and know you see why. Preston Brown needs to learn a lesson. No excuse for this kind of play. It's sloppy. Rex is sloppy. Its all in the details. Someone needs to be accountable for it. I can see sticking up for your guys in public but ripping them a new one in private. That better be what is going on. Much more of this crap and I won't be wasting my time watching it. I can turn on the radio and get some work done.
  4. He's consistently shown that he is not a short yardage back. I don't know if he could move a pile of leaves.
  5. He is always a threat to fumble because of the way he carries the rock. My guess is he wasn't coachable in that regard. But that's just a guess.
  6. Everyone is saying there is a huge gap between the Pats* and everyone else. If the Bills can play with their heads in the game like they did against the Phins then I think they can run with the Pats*. No problem.
  7. I thought Carpenter missed a field goal. This didn't happen so I am an idiot. Nothing here to see. Carry on.
  8. Make the extra point. Make the field goal. Make the two point conversion and guess what. Tie game with 2 minutes left and Bills ball! OK, making the two point conversion may be a stretch (50/50?) but the extra point and field goal should have been made. The Bills could have been more conservative and played for a field goal or OT on their last drive. Just saying
  9. Yes it is. I wondered if anyone would catch it.
  10. We need A A Ron the heat seeking missile back ASAP!
  11. At the least in the Schwartz's D looked like they knew their jobs and did them.
  12. 59 passes. I would hope that if Brady is getting rid of the ball in one or two seconds that at least the D line could get some arms in the air and get in Brady's face a little. I can't think of any batted, tipped or deflected passes. There were some in the second half that missed their receiver because if he put it where he needed to they would have been deflected. Brady is that good. The D line wasn't. 59 passes!
  13. I miss The Schwartz already. His D was tight. Rex's D is sloppy. Where is Mario? Taking the scenic route around the right end? We have a secondary that couldn't tackle their own grandmother. 5 special teams penalties to start the game was atrocious. Last years D with this years O and maybe we would have something. Best D ever. hahahahahahahaha
  14. and then he rips off his pats jersey to reveal his Bills jersey. He then jumps into the stands and the crowd goes nuts
  15. Yes. Right down the hash marks and then he shovels snow!
  16. Anyone else notice the helmet to helmet contact on Tyrod when he was sliding? I think it was the 2nd possession. No penalty called. Luck got bumped by an elbow when he slid. Of course it was called as it should have been. I sure hope we don't see that this week. Maybe QB's have to earn those calls. What do you think?
  17. Dumb penalties gave Indy life when they had them stopped. 3 times I think.
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