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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. The NFL doesn't like defense anymore. Suh coulda killed him and obviously eased up to avoid a penalty.
  2. The NFL doesn't like defense anymore
  3. The first action he sees is returning kicks. McKelvin is fn awesome.
  4. I am thinking a little Fat Bottomed Girls is needed here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMnjF1O4eH0
  5. OK, Maybe that was a Metallica concert. But it was still at the Ralph
  6. I bet most of the drunks spilling beer and pissing on each other have never been to another teams stadium to have a comparison
  7. He is a 22 year old kid that has a lot to learn. Give him a break. This time anyways.
  8. Yes, By all means start EJ. Robert Woods and Shady McCoy are getting real good a grabbling those ankle passes. They are much more difficult to intercept too.
  9. I have never said anything bad about EJ until now. He has removed any doubt that he sucks. He does not see the field and is horribly inaccurate. On the positive side we may have found our backup of the future. As far as him or Cassell I'd say its a tossup.
  10. Ron Brooks was that close to getting another taunting penalty for the exact same thing as last week except this time his teammates pulled him away.
  11. He is used to being graded on a curve to keep his confidence up becAuse he sucks
  12. I am thinking of sitting this one out too.
  13. Must keep Mario. Are you crazy? Jerry Hughes is not good enough to make up for his dumb penalties. Not worth the $ Harvin had his chance as the number 1 like he wanted and didn't come through Woods is a tough, durable player and good blocker Goodwin = Glass Ron Brooks - shoulda cut his arse after that dumb penalty
  14. What were the Bills going to do? Make Cassel a 3rd stringer or make EJ the 1st round pick a 3rd stringer? I think not. That's why they cut Cassel. He was only brought back as trade bait to get their draft pick back which is exactly what they did. If EJ doesn't show progress this year I don't think Whaley will hesitate cut him if he doesn't have another year on his rookie contract. This notion that Whaley is conspiring to stack the deck for his guy is laughable. EJ is getting a fair chance and that is it.
  15. It seems like the glass has a hole in it at half way
  16. Right........about.......................................................now.
  17. .500 football. Just average. Blah Blah Blah...................... Kinda had the feeling going in that they couldn't give up more than 24 points to have a chance. No turnovers. No sacks. Special teams suck........
  18. I agree. Get Sammy the damn ball!. If he is one on one you go to him every time.
  19. I would like to see McLovin returning kicks. Hopefully his ankle is 100%
  20. EJ > Cassel No screwing around. Straight to the end zone!
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