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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Anyone else catch when Shady was sitting on the bench and he flipped off one of his ex teammates on the field? They had the camera on him at the time. Oops.
  2. Thanks for the info Doc. Gilmore is not built for a tackling
  3. Best we can hope for is Henderson gets in Watts way
  4. I will say Schwartz's D > Ryan's D so far. If Marrone would have got a real OC he might still be here. But it doesn't matter now does it?
  5. This guy has the best opinion yet http://goo.gl/7NCYez
  6. Tyrod is too short to throw passes over the middle and not built to last a full season in the NFL. He is talented but limited. It took four weeks for the NFL to fiqure him out. There ya go. There's the scoop on Tyrod.
  7. The Bills are 5-5. Have six more games and realistically need to win out or maybe lose one game to have a shot at the playoffs. Forgive me for having tempered enthusiasm. A couple more losses and we can all see the wheels falling off. But I see positive signs of this defense coming together. They need to step up big with Mario and Kyle out. I see a good running game with Shady but the passing game is horrendous. Getting Sammy the ball needs to be a priority. Why must it always be a deep ball? Just get it in his hands. Clock management has not been good and last weeks two minute offense sucked. These things temper my enthusiasm but NO. We are not going to lose to KC today.
  8. Sounds like your the one trying to create drama. I am a Mario fan and want to know what's going on with him. He should be destroying everything in front of him but it ain't happening. Getting tired of waiting for his big breakout game.
  9. I find it strange that our star DE would injure his foot and then not come back out to cheer on his team unless it was serious. I was looking and didn't see him. Plus we haven't heard more about his injury.
  10. Maybe the best in a Bills uniform, Very impressed and the man's got HEART!
  11. So. Did anyone notice him on the sideline after his feet injury?
  12. Before we can really grade him we need to know exactly what he is being asked to do and I can't figure it out by watching him play (or not play). My quess is that taking the scenic route around the QB is not in the job description. Did anyone see him on the sidelines after last nights foot injury?
  13. The Pats would have snapped the ball for sure
  14. People forget how great he was playing before he BROKE HIS ANKLE. He hasn't played in a year. With that said. I would have benched him after the first muff.
  15. Seems to be just taking up blockers and not very happy about the way he is being used. I don't get it.
  16. Just read in the shout box that someone just took a Bob Kraft. That was pretty smart. Solid game plan.
  17. Play smart. Go for the throat. Throw the ball to Sammy every freaking time he's single covered and don't allow Robey to cover Gronk. Could be a good job for McLovin. Go Bills!
  18. RW has stayed healthy. He looks built to take a beating. Tyrod? Not so sure yet but so far I like his game.
  19. Imagine if EJ's first 5 minutes was against the Jets defense and not Jacksonville
  20. McCoy = WOW! What the heck was Philly thinking? That dude is awesome.
  21. Every damn time Sammy has single coverage you throw him the ball. Why wouldn't you?
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