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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Did you guys know he had his leg broken when he was an NFL. quarterback? He doesn't talk about it much.
  2. Going into this season my expectations were tempered by last years poor showing. Something has changed. I sense a hunger on this team that I have not sensed in awhile. Hunger + Direction can equal success. We will soon see how good this coaching staff is.
  3. Spikes was out there knocking the rust off. I liked him backing up Worthy. That man can stuff the run.
  4. Boobie couldn't get you a yard if he was landscaper
  5. That's because that is where all the shirts and stuff go when they are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs every year
  6. I hate to be a downer but please consider that if things don't go well you will never be able to enjoy the Bills the same way again.
  7. Say what you want about McLovin but he was playing lights out before he broke his ankle. He made some of the most athletic plays I have ever seen. Wish I could find a clip of the interception he made going over the top of the receiver.
  8. I think your graph becomes a straight line after 20 years worth of cycles. I feel as though my Bills excitement level has flatlined,
  9. Great. Another Jets cast off. Maybe I will make him my new avatar.
  10. Definitely some nice passes. As long as he can stay healthy I think we got us a QB.
  11. It is not appropriate for a coach to discuss a players medical issues even if he does know all of the details, which he may or may not. Discussing a football related injury is one thing. A personal medical condition is another and should be kept private unless the player chooses to discuss it.
  12. EJ will have a chance to show something this year. 2 decent games and someone will pay him. I would not mind keeping him around as a backup.
  13. As far as whether Darby is better than Gilmore I think it comes down to who is the better tackler. I hope it's Darby because Gilmore is a horrible tackler.
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