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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Ya'll know the last baby died in the womb right?
  2. Ryan brought Taylor here. Not sure anyone else would have done that.
  3. Could have made Schwartz the highest paid coordinator to happily stay in his position rather than paying 2.5 mil per year for two years to another coach that is history. I am sure that decision haunts Mr. P. Oh well, its all water under the bridge man.
  4. Sustained scoring drives that give the D a rest and a real two minute offense would go a long way.
  5. No way the Son of Bum comes back here
  6. This. And just because Rex wasn't present doesn't mean anything.
  7. Yes. You gotta at minimum look like you know what you are doing.
  8. 4th and 1. EJ in. Can't get a play in so had to call a timeout. Rex was steaming
  9. I re watched the 4th quarter last night. I could see the exact moment on Rex's face when Roman got fired. Its there. Watch it.
  10. The dude is making chicken salad out of chicken ****. He's not part of the problem.
  11. Russ Brandon couldn't cover his grandma with a blanket last night
  12. Both corners. No help, no adjustments all night
  13. I just meant that people want to make explanations for why the Bills were terrible on offense. I don't want excuses or explanations. I want to see some of what Roethlisberger was throwing round last night.
  14. How does Gilmore stack up with these big contract guys as far as tackling ability?
  15. Nice story. Why did he last until the 7th round? On the positive side there has been recent progress in a cure for Crohns
  16. Look at my avatar. I am a douche. How's that for sweet.. I saw enough lack of heart last year to see he does not deserve to be a Bill and it was not due to following his assignment. He is mentally weak. What a waste of talent.
  17. I'd like to see a veteran B word slap his ass and put him on the next plane out
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