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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Yes. All this because he decided he was going to turn it up and actually run. What the hell was he doing for 4 weeks? He should have been ready to hit the ground running like a professional. How often do you hear of a D Line guy pulling a hammy? He really let the team and fans down.
  2. Keep Tyrod around until Kelly is ready.
  3. He saw the headlight a split second before the train hit him. No time to react.
  4. I'd say he looked promising. Give him some time.
  5. I agree with the OP. Serious lack of firepower on offense without a 100% Shady. The only hope is Dareus come back full speed and the defense dominates the next two games. Not likely though. Without a strong running game the defense will be on the field too much. Aaron Williams is key also. We saw what yesterday what happens when he is not playing.
  6. A 100 % Dareus would be huge. Lawson giving some breathers to our sack leader wouldn't be bad either. The biggest benefactor may be Hughes. Good anyway you look at it.
  7. I thought he looked like a fumble waiting to happen...and it did.
  8. I actually saw him tackle someone yesterday. I guess he figured if he didn't tackle a QB he wouldn't hear the end of it.
  9. It will be OK as long as Gilmore doesn't have to tackle him
  10. Bills receivers minus Sammy scares nobody. Whaley needs to do something.
  11. My prediction. It won't be Kaep starting because he won't be able to after he takes a knee during the National Anthem and Eric Wood crosses the field and takes him out.
  12. You never hear his name so he must be doing well
  13. The Bills ground out a great road win. The D just keeps coming and they will punch you in the mouth. Shady carried the O. He is very valuable to this team. I miss the added dimension Sammy brings and don't see anyone else that can step up to fill his shoes consistently although it was nice to see some passes in the middle to a TE.. If a team can shut down the run can TT and the JAG receiving corps win games?
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