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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. He was obviously lost so at this point what difference does it make
  2. There was a time when Dareus was all we had. If he's healthy today I think he change some peoples tune.
  3. Good for him. It's great to see someone do it the right way.
  4. Fits is smart. Plays with his wedding ring on, has a big head, a bunch of kids, and has made millions. Yay
  5. Look. Gilmore is fragile. He has no shoulders and is not built for tackling. He has been injured and missed games from trying to tackle. The best he can do is try to wrap someone up and wait for help to arrive. Could he do that better? Yes. But the Bills need him on the field and not injured. There is no better option this year. It is what it is.
  6. How's 3 and out been working for the last 20 years? From what I have seen Rex is improving as a coach. I think he continues. What the guy who gave him a 5 year contract thinks is what really matters.
  7. Rex isn't going anywhere. Deal with it. Look at all of the good teams in the NFL. The one thing they have in common is continuity and that is what we are going to see. Rex is actually looking like a good Head Coach to me and not just a glorified coordinator.
  8. all I saw was a guy that knows that rules, I'd take him over Gilmore any day.
  9. Rex doesn't get mad. He gets upset. When he gets upset, Rob gets mad.
  10. A-ARon will be missed. I don't think this defense has played well at all without him.
  11. Quick.....Someone make one of those Hitler is pissed videos
  12. Watched him a little last night. He certainly has a nice "touch" pass. He can hit receivers on the run too. Must be nice.
  13. It looks to me like any concussion was from impacting the ground. I don't think there was helmet to helmet contact. It was more like hands were used to slam his helmet on the ground.
  14. It shouldn't be that way. There are alot of idiots at Bills games. I used to be able to tolerate them and laugh about it but am too old for that crap anymore. I usually only go to games when I get complimentary box seats. I mean it is down right embarrassing to be associated with these idiots. I would never bring a kid and wouldn't even want to sit in the stands with my wife because I would probably be forced to defend her...again. I went to a game at Cowboys Stadium. What a difference. People there actually had some class and it was a pleasant experience. Tailgating wasn't as fun but the view was much better.. if you know what I mean.
  15. Gilmore you suck! I am done. Time to go out in the garage. Peace out!
  16. My prediction. Dairyass pushes the pocket and Alexander says hello to Brady. Bills probably won't win but Brady gets beat up like he never has. If the Bills can hang with them it could be interesting but I don't see it happening. Bills don't have the firepower without Shady. If the Pats are up two scores its over.
  17. If EJ could get the 3 interceptions etc... out of his system in practice before the game then maybe he could do something in the 4th quarter
  18. Dairyass! ahahahahahahaha! I wouldn't say that to his face but that's a good one.
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