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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. If Gilmore was a decent tackler he would be a great corner.
  2. I totally agree with everything you said. The Head Coach and GM reporting the owner equally will never work. Apparently the players have input also. This team needs a strong GM that hires his coach based on a shared vision of how to reach the promised land. This team will not get to the next level with the structure they have now.
  3. Great analysis on Tyrod. He can get it done until a better option arises.
  4. That right. These cupcakes should be snowmobiling in T-Shirts, Hunting in shorts and sleeping on their porches. This weather should be Advantage Buffalo! I guess it's just the way kids are these days. Probably play X-Box all night when they are not in their nice "field house". Pittsburgh players were the real men last week. The Bills played like boyz
  5. Hughes has been invisible since he bit his tongue half off. He must be injured. Does anyone know what his deal is?
  6. That guy was going to be something. Undersized but vicious. Were you aware he was shot and killed?
  7. Tyrod would be a great fit behind Dak Prescott. Just saying.
  8. Good game to watch if you were wondering what a good QB looks like
  9. Anybody not giving 110% is a cancer. I saw some Sunday. I tried starting a list but their didn't seem to be much interest in making a list of players that didn't show up. Some people do their best all the time no matter what the situation. Some people are easily swayed from doing their best. Others are satisfied to just get by and collect a check.
  10. For 30 million dollars I would run around with a target on me
  11. I think some of Rex's players like him so much that they were trying to get him a 3 year, 15 + million dollar vacation
  12. Rex has a 5 year multimillion dollar contract. I am sure giving Marrone a 4 million dollar gift still stings. Just saying.
  13. I forgot to mention the guy brushing of the field with the tractor. He definitely showed up. How embarrassing for the Pegula's that must have been.
  14. Time to take notes for next year Showed up: Lorenzo Alexander came to play Corey Graham Darby Gilmore (wish he could tackle) Washington - showed some hustle Clay - Just once I would like to see someone hit this guy in stride. C'mon man. Sammy Didn't: Zac Brown - Yea he had an INT. but he was horrible! Wasn't the knock on him that he didn't like to get his nose dirty? That is exactly what I saw. Unless he was hurt or something I would cut him right now after that pitiful performance. Dareus, Hughes, Lawson Did anyone even get a whiff of Big Ben? Carpenter - see ya bye The O-line couldn't make holes to run the ball today. Did they get manhandled or what? I am sure there was much more but this is what stood out to me. Tackling was HORRIBLE! I will admit I didn't watch much of the 4th quarter. The whole team started out like the cold bothered them or something. This weather should be advantage Buffalo! They should be sleeping on their porches in T shirts and loving it!
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