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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. It's supposed to be about winning. Resting players for the playoffs when you have earned that luxury is about winning. Losing is never acceptable under any circumstances. Maybe I am off base. Ask a winner.
  2. Any business decision that takes away from winning reeks of losing and incompetence. How can anyone expect players to give their all when management is not? The fact that this seems acceptable to posters here says a lot about the level of incompetence we are used too. Tyrods contract which most seem to think was brilliant on the Bills part was stupid and amateur. Just like Dareus getting paid millions to play Xbox while suspended.
  3. My question is how do you give a contract to a player that makes it a smart business decision to not play your starting QB and essentially forfeit any realistic chance of winning?
  4. Really I think Gilmore figured out that he can either play an entire season or he can play with reckless abandon and get injured. Remember when he got between Aaron Williams and a receiver? The result was a broken arm. I am not saying he has no heart. I just think his soft play was a business decision. He may have even been coached to play soft. It doesn't matter how well he can cover if he is not on the field. I just don't know what to think about that other than I would take Dick Sherman any day. I laugh when receivers step out of bounds so they don't take a hit on the sidelines when they play the Bills. He really is a "cupcake in a box with 10 others".
  5. I have begun to believe that great QB's are born, not "developed" when you get to the NFL level. They need the previous experience and a good support system. You can't make chicken soup out of chicken crap.
  6. A good QB. I have to think that if TT is allowed to get away then there must be something else in the works. If Whaley can pull something off to get a good QB then there may be something to get excited about. Otherwise it will just be changing the window display. With all of their free agents the Bills are in great shape to tank for 2018
  7. Or maybe TP was correcting his mistake of going around his GM and hiring Rex Ryan. Maybe TP gets it. You have to consider this is a possibility. Or maybe not. Time will tell.
  8. Z. Brown played very well in games but terrible in others by my observation. Maybe he was hurt or something I don't know but when he was bad, he was bad.
  9. Zach Brown won't be here next year and he can't tackle either
  10. Whatever. He won't be here next year and he still can't tackle.
  11. Yea he is good and all that but his lack of tackling ability sure makes it tough to appreciate his other skills.
  12. I think his future is bright if given the time and proper coaching to be NFL ready. Not so sure he will get that here though.
  13. I have yet to see a QB "develop" in Buffalo ever. It's been pretty much they are what they are
  14. I did not see the press conference but did read about it. Your summary is what I thought as well. What I didn't get was whether the structure has changed with the new HC reporting to Whaley instead of the HC and GM both reporting to Pegula. This is unclear to me. Since Whaley is leading the search it sounds like the HC will report to him. If not then Whaley is still a Jr. GM. Does anyone know if this has been clarified?
  15. I hope that having Whaley lead the search signals a change in reporting structure. I think the HC should report to the GM. Having them equal and reporting to the owner doesn't work. I am not saying Whaley is the right guy. I am not convinced that he isn't still the bright eyed kid that can't believe he got the keys to the franchise. I would prefer old age and treachery over youth and enthusiasm but who am I to say? I don't like how Whaley tends to get cute at times. At least Buffalo should be should be an attractive destination for a HC based on the talent level if you think we have a QB.
  16. Great to see him pan out. 2 good LT's is a good problem
  17. Thanks for the enlightenment. I am with you. Defense is why there are no playoffs. Tightwad is a keeper.
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