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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. What did Gillislee actually do when he wasn't mopping up Shady's leftover gravy? He is just a backup running back and that is all.
  2. They need to be able to score during a two minute drill to win the game. When Tyrod had to pass the ball to win the game is when he typically fell flat on his face. This is where I think they need to improve.
  3. Look for the guy selling conch shells by the beach
  4. Metzelaars. He could fall down and get 3 yards. Seriously I think Riemersma was the best TE the Bills ever had. Clay could probably get there with a QB that could hit him in stride.
  5. Nobody is untradeable except for a franchise QB. The Bills should be open to offers and if the price is right they should go for it. This is the kind of forward thinking that good teams do. Something unheard of from the Bills who have been playing catchup for years. They could put themselves in a good position for years to come.
  6. He is in the job market. It's to his benefit to take the high road.
  7. You can't be mad at the weatherman because he says it's raining. I would love to the what Sully has to say when the Bills actually win some games and make some noise in the playoffs. Until then the forecast is for rain.
  8. You guys must have had better seats. They looked good to me.
  9. I have no emotion left for the Bills at this time. They will always be my team but right now I am waiting for them to show me something.
  10. Terry doesn't get mad. He gets upset. When he gets upset, Russ gets mad.
  11. I am not down on him. It was a serious question. Definetly need some TE depth
  12. How long has he been on this team and what has he ever done?
  13. Culture changes take time. Like seasons. No way can anyone say McD has changed the culture yet. He may have started to put his foundation in place but he isn't even close to changing anything yet. If this was a building he'd still be digging for the footers. Culture changes start at the top and work their way down to the janitor mopping the floor. It takes time to change culture. Combine that with a business where you need to win now and it's hard to predict the outcome so I will wait and see
  14. I like the hire. I like what he has done. Great job on the draft but I will reserve judgment until I see the Bills playing meaningful games or resting starters in December. Nothing worse than watching a bunch of heartless overpaid athletes (not all) going thru the motions like last year.
  15. Maybe John Elway has a nephew coming up that we can draft
  16. Not that my opinion matters but for this GM position I'd prefer old age and treachery over youth and enthusiasm. Someone Coach is familiar with and trusts to be looking over his shoulder
  17. We could pretend we made the playoffs last year and the 27th pic was ours. Doesn't that make the extra 1st round pic next year sound better?
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