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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Trump said nothing racist. Players are disrespecting our country and using their employment as a platform to bring attention to their perceived racial injustices. I am an American and I find kneeling during the national anthem disrespectful, divisive and creating racial tension. It's their right to protest. It's my right to turn the tv off and go work on my tree stands or mow the lawn. I don't watch football for this crap and I stand with my President. I am glad NASCAR is above this.
  2. Sammy Watkins is F'n crazy! Dumbest trade ever.
  3. I would have grabbed him in 2012 when we didn't have anybody and SF gave him away
  4. The Panthers defense was good. The Bills defense was good. The difference was obvious.
  5. Could his low snap count have anything to do with coming off a hip injury? If so would McD necessarily say that? Cordy Glenn is coming back from an injury and he shared snaps with Dawkins. What did McD say about that? I didn't hear anything.
  6. Sully is the kind of person I don't like to have around when I am watching a Bills game
  7. That guy he is hi fiving is Tommy Freakin Stimlinger in case anyone wants to know. Freaking guy has photos with Thurman, Bruce at the HOF. Always in the right place at the right time I guess.
  8. He looked like an average QB yesterday except for his legs. I have never seen another that can slip defenders and run like him. Like a greased pig. And he throws a good ball on the run too.
  9. Overall the Bills played a solid game and it looked like they were ready and well coached. Lots too build on from here.
  10. Pancaked in the end zone and sucking oxygen on the sideline. That was all I noticed today.
  11. Doug Whaley was a Junior GM and was never fully given the reigns for whatever reason.
  12. Without a premier QB the Bills have just been rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic for the last 20 years. This staff just saved what they wanted and promptly scuttled the ship. That ship is now forming a reef on the bottom of the ocean. Its a new day and a new ship is under construction. That's the way I look at it anyway. It just sucks because it will take time and nothing is guaranteed. If it was easy everybody could be a Bills fan.
  13. Thank you for sharing your point of view. It is "enlightening". And thank you for your service.
  14. Here is a video you kneelers can practice on. There are even a bunch of hands in the air (although they are holding small American flags) Make sure there is nobody like me around when you do this though. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. ​
  15. Oh really. I see enough of that crap on the news every day. I don't watch football to see what side players are going to be on during the next civil war.
  16. I really have no idea what these players are actually calling trying to call attention too. I just want to watch a football game without something that matters to me being dissed and turned into a racial thing or whatever. It's a real turn off.
  17. Obviously not many Cub or Boy Scouts around here. That is where you learn these things
  18. Sorry man. My opinion was not directed towards you personally
  19. Apparently the right to be a bunghole is now more American than freedom of speech
  20. Wow. Very disappointed with some of the responses here. So much I could say but won't. Thank you bisonbrigade. You got it
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