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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Robert Woods had to learn how to play receiver again after playing several years for the Bills
  2. It's going to be a long day if they don't put constant pressure on Brees. Even if they do ithat it could still be bad. Hoping for the best though. Looking forward to seeing KB 13
  3. All of the Bills need to buy snowmobiles and sleep on their porches. Make the Weather Great Again!
  4. Rexy baby did pretty well stuffing his pockets too
  5. Short week had them unprepared and not rested. 1st time they have looked this way all year. Dumb mistakes. Inability to change what they were doing on offense when D line was eating their lunch. Tyrod had nowhere to go. Missed MD in the middle Bills D is not getting to the QB Poor tackling. Going for the strip instead. Shady... I will let someone else say it. They were due for a game like this
  6. The whole team was tired and wanted to lay down
  7. I saw him tap the back of a guys helmet in the end zone. He turned around and Lofton caught a TD pass on him. That was cool.
  8. I would wait a couple years before declaring what kind of GM he is. Lets see how he spends this hoard of draft pics and money they have accumulated. Then lets see how they build and maintain the team. 2 more years and Beane and McD should have built a super bowl contender. If not then yea. He sucks.
  9. I hate to see this happen. I really like Marcel Dareus. He is a victim of his contract in Buffalo. I hope he shows it was a mistake to trade him.
  10. You are right. I was just responding in the way I thought the OP was looking for. My bad.
  11. Yes, Boldin is being oppressed by "the man" who owns him. He will be sold to the highest bidder.
  12. I agree. He needs to burn that jersey and get a new number. Maybe that one guy could do it for him.
  13. Anyone else notice that Shady isn't making the quick, stop and bounce it outside moves he has in the past. Not seeing the jock straps laying on the field anymore and I am not sure why. That was what made him great. Now it seems like there is always one or two guys waiting to tackle him. I also thought to myself that if Fred Jackson was in his prime he would be loving this offense. Just sayin.
  14. Cordy Glenn is rock solid and has solidified the LT position since day one. He was a beast to be reckoned with yesterday. I hope he stays right here where he belongs.
  15. That Brandon Reilly kid looked good in the pre season. They got two weeks to get him ready for his first start.
  16. Would it be weird if I actually did stand at home for the anthem? If this continues I wont be there to see if the wheels fall off like usual
  17. I will keep throwing shade until I hear a statement from the NFL saying "We will stand properly for the national anthem". Until then the kneeling bastards and their enablers can kiss my gluteus maximus.
  18. Whoever came up with that contract should be taken out back and shot. Maybe they already have been.
  19. Gilmore is a shutdown corner and great tackler too. Hahahahahahahahahah
  20. How about if during the national anthem they carried on the field the casket of an American soldier draped with the American flag? How many would kneel or stretch then. I am so done with this. Some idiots will never understand. If I was Jim Kelly I'd never set foot in that stadium again. Picture that and let it sink in for a minute
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