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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. I have come to the conclusion that Preston Brown Is soft. The Bills need an upgrade at his position. He makes nobody pay. Need a heat seeking missile in the middle. Not someone that helps the other team get up.
  2. I think playing four quarters of football means more than passing for 300 yards. Look at the 2nd half against Miami. It's like they didn't know how to handle their first half success and got stoopid.
  3. I think the Bills can hang with them for the first 30. Not so sure about the 2nd 30. Tyrod needs to discover Kelvin Benjamin and not worry about throwing a 50/50 ball to him. Gonna have to take some chances. A repeat of how they played in the 2nd half against Miami won't cut it
  4. Those tables are tough. I don't think even Gronk could bust one.
  5. The Bills beat them "Like a bad restaurant closing early". That's a quote that stuck with me about a playoff game in Miami.
  6. The only thing a bully understands is getting punched in the nose. I agree winning is more important BUT, It's one thing to lose. It's another thing to lose and get your butt kicked. That is what happened last game. If that happens again they don't deserve to be in the playoffs anyways. Just my opinion.
  7. Did you see what Gronk did to our best defensive player? You're OK with that? One game suspension was a joke. This isn't like a little kid got beat up on the playground and went home so his mommy could give him ice cream and make it OK.
  8. "Kill the head and the body will die" (The head being Brady). Just a figure of speech but I think they really need to make these guys pay physically.
  9. That was flat out a punch to the head. Nothing is accidental with Suh.
  10. Yea, Yea, Yea. Isn't that what everyone always says. Win or Lose this is a game to not be nice. Payback time.
  11. Sorry but he sucks. Either you can catch a ball or you can't.
  12. What is actually wrong with him that makes him a risk more than anyone else playing that position?
  13. Sure would be nice to have a proven QB and a whole bunch of draft pics
  14. Thanks for the post Dunkirk Don. I believe in you.
  15. He may be a dick but you know what the name of his boat is right?
  16. I've said it before and I will say it again. The Bills should be sleeping on their porches, snowmobiling, shoveling in shorts, practicing in it etc....... They need to embrace this stuff. Then they can laugh at the other team when it's snowing and blowing in December and they just want to get back on the plane and go home. That's how it used to be in the early 90's. Advantage Buffalo! Anyone remember 51-3? On another note: It's too bad they can no longer use a tractor with a brush to remove the snow because now you end up with a pile of rubber pellets? Whose dumb idea was that?
  17. I think the Snow Bowl should be an annual event. If we could only get Mother Nature to cooperate.
  18. I am just saying Jim was a bad ass. How many QBs tackle the guy that intercepted his pass? Actually if I remember correctly he shoved him out of bounds
  19. C'mon man. Charles Clay is on pace to break 500 yards recieving
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