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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Preston needs someone to share the load with so he's got more left in the tank for the 4th quarter
  2. Need to put that energy into making someone pay for stepping on his turf
  3. Davis kicked his butt. Miami was taking cheap shots all night. I saw Tyrod get punched in the jaw again. Dikwad Alonzo was clearly trying to injure someone all night until he hurt himself. Glad to see these two teams don't like each other and the rivalry has been renewed.
  4. I thought he was oob and touched the ball on replay. But hey We are in the playoffs!
  5. I predict there will be several years of me yelling at the tv saying the Bills should have drafted Mahomes. Just like I do about Russell Wilson.
  6. I hear ya Buffalo30 but I just think it's all about time in a win now league. The money is just play money.
  7. Time will tell. Sure would be nice. Getting the help needed but losing to Miami would be too "Billsie"
  8. A) Got no time to screw around. If you can get Cousins you do it. I like him. He is a proven field general and you could build a team around him. I can see he and McD joined at the hip. Cousins and maybe Case Keenum are the only QB's I'd want. B) Trade up to get a top QB prospect means giving up all that draft capital, developing him for a year or two and hoping he is the guy. Kinda like the Rams did. I don't recall if they traded up for Goff. C) The other option is to let a QB fall to us and develop him behind someone like Alex Smith. I quess it all depends on who is available and how patient you can be. I think patience is in short supply at OBD and scenario A is most preferred. As far as which flop would hurt the team more? It don't matter. It's about time and winning now. They get a whole new clip of cash increasing in size every year and people are paid big bucks to figure it out.
  9. I agree. Also Milano is still a rookie and can continue to improve
  10. My separated shoulder was from using my arm to break my fall. As I hit the ditch on my ATV and was flying through the air I didn't even think about. It was just a natural reaction. The only thing going through my mind was when is the ATV going to land on top of me.
  11. I want Gaines back too. I like their record when he plays.
  12. "Just to break their fall"? Let's see someone drop you from 4 or 6 feet in the air and see what you do. That turf is not soft. I quess the rules are that the ground can't cause a fumble but it can cause an incomplete pass if you don't complete the process of catching the ball, whatever that is
  13. I hope Preston Browns position can be upgraded significantly.
  14. Mahomes could have been a Bill. Will be interesting to see him play
  15. By the time the game was out of reach they were too tired to go after anyone
  16. I would have been surprised if they pulled it off. But, they did about everything I thought they should to be in position to win the game. They took chances. Tyrod threw to KB. All they calls went the other way. They did have a chance of winning the game until the curse hit back. D had nothing in the 4th quarter. Nobody made them pay and they got trampled like usual
  17. The lack of a legitimate no. 2 back has probably cost a game at least. I don't understand what anyone saw in Tolbert. May as well just spike the ball.
  18. No he plays solid and makes the tackle. Nothing spectacular other than that. He puts no fear in anyone. Not a difference maker.
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