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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. He actually spent some time in Dallas too before Romo took his job. I forgot about that until I saw A Football Life on Romo
  2. I will say again (for this year) that any game Josh Allen finishes healthy is a good game
  3. If you pay attention to what they do and not what they say this become obvious.
  4. Not having a veteran backup QB to mentor Josh Allen is a sin. Quite possible he will be damaged.
  5. Duh!. That is why the Bills should win a Superbowl within the next 5 years
  6. Is his clown suit in yet? In all seriousness I really hope he gets out of this funk because he is needed. Maybe he needs a 6'5" QB in his face
  7. I wouldn't say AJM was a failed Bill. He ain't done yet.
  8. There should be something in there about his beard also
  9. In case you missed it. It was a trap game for Minnesota
  10. This team has nothing left to trade. Cupboards are bare. Belt is on 1st hole. There may be a circus looking for a clown though (no. 13)
  11. Someone make a meme with a smashed table under him
  12. This is the play that stands out in my mind Peterman Week 1
  13. Yes. They failed as a team when they decided to let McCarron go and keep Peterman. That was a big F Up
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