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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. I’d go back further and say they should have kept TT. He was a known quantity and his contract was not unreasonable. Why get rid of your QB before you are certain you have someone that it better. I was never a big TT fan but c’mon man. He was halfway decent and at least a very good backup.
  2. Pretty sad when you have both 3 QBs and no QB’s. It’s almost funny. What was DA doing a week ago before the Bills brought him in? No way this dude starts in Indy. Peterman will start. There is no other option. No wonder McD is so edgy
  3. I actually thought KB showed more effort and focus yesterday. Peterman? Sorry dude. Later
  4. Peterman has such a predictable rhythmic throwing motion it’s no wonder he gets picked off
  5. I prefer the Andy Reid approach myself. Not at all confident this team has the staff to build a high powered offense. I can’t understand how you go all in on a QB that everybody knows needs a year on the sidelines and then throw him out there with nothing. Defense is playing well and that’s all great and everything but all that emphasis should have been placed on building an offense first. I really like Josh Allen but I am afraid they are going to hurt his development by the choices they have made.
  6. Handoff to Shady who tosses it back to Allen who throws it deep to Jones
  7. Have faith. This kid will take us there. Super Bowl within 4 years. Enjoy the journey.
  8. I saw a lot of empty seats at the Titan game and the bad weather isn’t even here yet. I haven’t been to a game yet either. Gotta have something to look forward to other than tailgating. Well maybe not ?
  9. Without Shady the Bills really have no product to put on the table this year. Ain’t happening.
  10. Nope. Bills will ride Shady as far as he will take them this year just like last year
  11. McD is a good coach and he is building a winning culture. I don’t believe those are just words.
  12. Watching the Vikes and Eagles game. Receivers running wide open. Some of it looks to be by design and spectacular speed or route running. Why can’t we do that? I agree Allen has to have lost confidence in no. 13. I sure have. Allen took a wicked hit and threw a perfect ball to no.18 only to have it turn into an int. Great win but it’s a shame this kid ain’t got no receiver weapons
  13. Jerry had clearly misplaced his pillow so he had to let him go
  14. Holme has no business trying to catch a pass. Benjamin should be wearing a clown suit. Catch radius? Are you kidding me. Does he ever dive or extend for a ball? Even balls that he catches he drops. Zay Jones is our best receiver other than Shady. Great to see the team keep fighting and pull this one out. One quality receiver sure would help our stud QB out
  15. Like Tyrod Taylor? I agree with the OP totally. They have tripped over dollars to save pennies and if things go wrong with Allen this year then they have made the biggest f up possible. Who parks their Ferrari in a dirt parking lot with no garage?
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