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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Lamar Jackson? Meh. On another note, Buffalo Bills vs. Kansas City Chiefs is going to be a heck of a game
  2. Quote of the Week! I love it. Allen is a bad ass. It's not over until Josh Allen says it is.
  3. Please no more train horn. Please Please Please. Bring back the Buffalo Stampedes!
  4. Yes, if you look at it that way Fitz made out very well. Then they ran him out of town.
  5. Don’t let them do you like they did me
  6. That is right up there with the fumble recovery/first down play against Dallas. Josh plays big boy football! He sure is putting together quite a highlight video.
  7. It's hard to soar like an eagle when your running with turkeys
  8. I forgot he was a Dolphin and didn’t notice him until I saw this post.
  9. Feliciano is a beast and I liked him at RG. Did well at C too. Williams is a mountain of a man next to Cody. Cody is still young. Just observations of mine.
  10. Murphy’s’ Law. Don’t mess with Trent Murphy
  11. I'm using a crossbow. I know some guys don't consider that "archery" but it's easier on the worn out shoulder. I am good up to 40 yards no problem. Can shoot accurately farther that that but I won't do it. Good luck to you also.
  12. At home. Crockpot is on with one of the wifes' concoctions. In-laws coming over. Won't turn on the tv until the actual game starts. Hopefully the BLM stuff doesn't piss me off. If it does I will be in the woods clearing shooting lanes. Not at all excited like I normally would be.
  13. Could you possibly ever believe the title of this thread was something you would ever imagine even in your craziest dreams a year ago?
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