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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. While we are dreaming, maybe they could have have got Judon also. Then we would have him and the Pats wouldn't
  2. That was an impressive run. He trucked that no. 43
  3. Because he is slow and doesn’t have NFL speed.
  4. Yea. Finally got his first half sack of the year
  5. I’ve done it before with direct tv and I’ll do it again with dish network. In fact I just got high speed internet out in the sticks where I live. I could probably do without both. I pay a lot for all the channels and only watch a couple. I won’t be held hostage for long. Also, I cannot receive a broadcast signal where I live but thanks for the idea.
  6. It’s Thanksgiving and I’m getting old but thanks bro!
  7. This has gone on for months now. Total BS. Can’t wait to dump them. How can I watch the game?
  8. I thought I missed something because I did not hear that either. I do recall seeing him celebrate a sack (called back) when down 17 points which I didn't care for and then getting juked for a big gain when he was in the backfield and could have made a big play.
  9. I just watched it. Very good. Fina is quite a ball buster.
  10. I was calling the Colts game a "gut check". It was predictable. How they performed in the 4th quarter said it all.
  11. And there you have it. Good synopsis Shaw66.
  12. Change in offensive philosophy. Look at the Colts. That is what I would want. As Coach said after the Jacksonville debacle " We have become too quarterback dependent". Need bigger horses on both side of the trenches. However, none of this is going to happen this year so I guess you run what you brung. Eliminate penalties and clean up mistakes I guess. I dunno
  13. I have never typed so many responses and then backspaced them as I have this morning
  14. Running backs busting off 10 yards a carry in the 4th quarter. What’s the purpose of this DL rotation?
  15. The Colts offense is the type of offense I would like to see in Buffalo
  16. Just another win on the pile. On to the next game.
  17. AJ Klein is a baller. I like what he brings.
  18. Bambi for sure.The Bills RB’s are used to it. 🦌
  19. Amazing. I calculated that at a distance of 40 yards a deer has .43 seconds to react to the sound before contact from my crossbow bolt. At .22 seconds before contact I don’t think our rbs have a chance.
  20. It will be like beating up the little kid down the street because you got your butt kicked at school.
  21. Reportedly the Bills were looking at Adrian Peterson which tells me they know their RB's are not good enough.
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