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Posts posted by bmur66

  1. Makes me remember back to when the Bills had Jeff Wright starting at Nose Tackle through all of our Super Bowl years.



    All 270 lbs of him.


    Before him, Fred Smerlas, after him Ted Washington.


    Regardless of what some say, I always thought that team didn't win at least one Super Bowl b/c they sort of seemed to stand pat with where they were at.





    Between 1990-1994, 4 out of our first 5 No. 1 picks were DBs (sound familiar?) with the lone exception being John Fina in 1992.



    I think Emmit Smith would agree with you on that one.

  2. Focusing on the offensive lineman a few come to mind huge guys who couldn't get people blocked-


    Jerry Crafts

    Corey Luchey

    Jamie Nails

    Joe Panos

    Marcus Spriggs

    Marques Sullivan

    Mike Pucillo

    Chris Villarial

    Benny Anderson

    Duke Preston


    Mike Williams

    god this is depressing and these are off the top of my head

    Tuten Reyes

    okay im stopping, what the hell did we complain about Peters for- he was descent and is still learning although I now hate his guts


    What a depressing list. Imagine if you added up the $ total.

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