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Posts posted by bmur66

  1. Right, and Denver probably spent all summer planning for the Bills... :rolleyes::-) my guess is the Bills are somewhere in between prepared and unprepared for the opener in 12 days, but the same could be probably be said for the Chiefs.


    Yes, Denver did gameplan for the Bills. They wanted to show off their quarterback and get a win. Buffalo was just evaluating talent in that game

  2. do you oversee any workers who, while doing a pretty good job, are viewed as being better at their jobs than they really are?


    None that I oversee. I'd say that would be more common in management.


    Awesome, also let us know how you are going to handle the employee that calls the news and talks about the horrible management at your company before even coming to you about it for clarification. :rolleyes:


    Calling the news is not necessary. I work in a Union Shop.

  3. Got to chime in on this one because I think we are missing the boat. The problem isn't that Spiller started a pre-season game - the problem is that Gailey is not communicating with his players. Jackson has earned the right to be informed when the head coach makes a change that affects his position....the key phrase here is "Earned." Levitre has also earned that right...these guys are not undrafted free agents trying to make the team - they spilled sweat and blood on the field in the name of the Buffalo Bills. If Gailey wants to make a change or conduct an experiment, that's fine - he is the head coach and has that right. BUT....demonstrate a little commmon courtsy and atleast approach an inform the affected players especially if they are ones like Jackson and Levitre who have given their all. This is not about guys thinking they don't have to earn their jobs....I doubt that either Jackson or Levitre believe that. This is about respecting players and acknowledging what they have done and sacrificed for the team. I absolutely support Jackson.


    Good post. I think you hit the nail on the head

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