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Everything posted by NoSaint

  1. I think he’s just heard everyone in the world complain about sugar high Josh and his coach implied he was playing dumb on a huge stage so he’s trying to emulate what a professional should do. I don’t think he’s depressed or detached. He’s just trying to be steady… then layer on some tough losses and it looks extra weird. I don’t think it’ll be hard to snap out of though
  2. I think it’s a fair question, even though I’m not sure it’s likely the case. if it’s a pain management issue a shot could let him uncork some throws while not being 100% in all regards I suppose
  3. but an oc designing bad route combos, and poor personnel choices me swing the needle 3-4 picks, even if not 6-7 think the terrible route combo with the jets for example.
  4. It’s simply fear of going back, ignoring that wasting Allen is very much the equivalent of 17 years but with a good qb in house.
  5. many have been on board for a move for some time
  6. then let’s get a coach who can hide it.
  7. yea, unless something was going on in practice all week that cook blew off… it made zero sense to bench him for essentially a quarter over an at that point isolated fumble. cook was already running hard and fumbled because he was fighting. I don’t think he’s had any issue with loafing.
  8. for part, and dealing with injury
  9. With 2 timeouts it’s mind boggling that the DC and STC didn’t look every man in the eye and individually confirm them on and off the field before the play. It should’ve been a walk in the park to execute.
  10. this take is the equivalent of running out of the back of the proverbial end zone
  11. I’m sure we will see shots of guys running with space - who knows if they are even a read on the play or the space is on schedule - and downplay the continued systematic misuse of play calls and personnel packages. the design is a mess. The qb is playing uncomfortably because of it.
  12. it doesn’t - my point wasn’t that diggs catches it, but that when we are schematically messed up and expect Josh to make hero throws vs play like a turtle at some point it’s going to pay off with trash outcomes. I’m not absolving Josh but I do think it’s a hell of a lot more productive to change the coordinator and watch the outcomes change than any other route here - and I think it’s likely to see 5-10 of the head scratcher throws clear up near immediately with another oc
  13. obviously they should execute everything but it’s a human game and we have coaching roles on the sideline during games for a reason. dime to fg block on Tuesday is far less stressful and who knows if we still had the same 11 guys available on each unit by late in the game. during the second timeout every defensive player on the field should’ve been told on or off explicitly and the X number of guys running on should’ve been held together as a unit.
  14. half the turnovers have been schematically ridiculous did the 5’6 but highly agile harty get his only target on a deep out with 45 seconds and no timeouts so every defender would be on the perimeter? Throw a long low developing pass to the guy that’s tiny and working in a phone booth at that point? and how were we not kicking into the end zone? sure 12 men is a mistake for the history books but the whole things a coaching disaster
  15. Yea, that’s another preparation fail time to pack it up
  16. it’s not about counting points that early, it’s about being 4.5 ft from the goal line in the modern nfl
  17. kick it out of the end zone
  18. 7th time they’ve run that play. Wild they aren’t better at it.
  19. but somehow also only have like 6 plays
  20. the Josh run was good too
  21. I think 6 of cooks runs are the same play call so far
  22. I liked when cook came back and he called the same run 4 times in 5 plays. or benching cook most of the half so calling a boundary play to a 5’6 wr when Denver is covering the boundary is almost not even the biggest disaster from Dorsey
  23. yea, hartys first call of the game should definitely be a deep out that boxes in the short agile guy at the sideline Josh isn’t playing great but that is hand in hand with a complete lack of common sense from the OC
  24. josh isn’t helping but yea, if you call bad plays, with poorly fitted personnel, bad things are more likely
  25. Still no cook still all gabe
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