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Everything posted by NoSaint

  1. I buy that all of us demanding a better justice system can be unifying. Whether black or white - use of force, the war on drugs, civil asset forfeiture, no knock warrants, militarization of police and on and on are things that should bother all of us. And yea, I think that young black guys catch those things harder then young white guys when each are walking down the street with a joint in their pocket
  2. At the limited cap savings it was at least a role that justified the extra couple million in the cap. We would have to spend as much or more to get a guy to fill that role. If he starts getting after the qb again its a disaster.
  3. Yea, that was in response to a guy saying polish jokes dont offend him and not directed at kneeling And Ill direct you to the backlash that was received by players that did demonstrations outside the anthem - the I cant breathe shirts, the rams coming out of the tunnel hands up, the pre or post anthem stuff and so on... I just cant buy that the anthem is the core. Its, for wide stretches of the upset crowd, a convenient target for people that dont like what is being said (and possibly who is saying it)
  4. Unfortunately for the owners, when you are employing people at the greatest in the world at their jobs level, theres something to be said for treating them as partners instead of demanding obedience. This will effect the players to as the cap is a percentage of revenue. If an owner said listen, this is bad for my wallet today and will be bad for yours tomorrow- lets get ahead of it and find a way that you can feel empowered without shrinking the pie the response would be far different
  5. I can follow that up to a point... if you missed out on a job, or were hassled by the police, or other such things because of your polish heritage, I would venture youd be a little testier when someone made an offhand comment.
  6. To be fair, we got some stellar play for stretches and I think this front office wouldve considered dealing von Miller Id handed the broncos roster at times (hes been a handful too)
  7. Are there going to be any fights this week? I know its alsays hard to say definitively but best guess?
  8. So who do we think he was torpedoing? And we already sent him home in preseason and cut his snaps drastically- so what difference is a suspension.
  9. I hate to be blunt but thats a bit asinine.
  10. Yup. At some point you have to bring in undervalued guys that have baggage. You pay a coach to manage some of that chaos and actually get a talent advantage in the salary cap era.
  11. If you are comfortable with as low as 19 Im not sure what you are railing against. There are very few that have him lower than 20 and like 3 people total on the board that would say worse than something along the lines of theres a group from about 16 to 22 that are 6 of one half dozen of the other in terms of ranking
  12. Yup - much like us, a middle of the pack team thatll be fighting for a wildcard down the stretch. They will win some they shouldnt and likewise lose some they shouldnt.
  13. Besides the terrible metaphor chosen for a social justice demonstration do you ever want your boss talking about you like that in public? Its flat disrespectful
  14. Thats of course over simplified as you can scan most successful teams and find a share of guys that arent great at buying in. The Seahawks at their peak had harvin and Tate and fights in the locker room - the giants had brandin Jacobs - the pats had a guy that was so bought in he was killing people on his off days. That two guys noted to be among the strictest, and one a former coach of dareus, took this guy on should say to anyone watching that they think that dareus is a handful but that the right coaching can make a difference. We will see, and normally I hate that- but these guys know him well.
  15. Theres something thats irked me all offseason though, and I mentioned it earlier... Essentially we were a .500 team under Rex. in December/January many here loudly advocated that Rex was costing the team wins. That implies we had a playoff caliber roster with a buffoon leading the way. Now every player weve let walk or traded away has likewise been loudly supported as addition by subtraction, or various forms of the team being better with pretty much anything in their place. I very much get that a board is full of a ton of people so trying to peg it down to a single philosophy is silly - but these were very universal views the last year... So I start wondering who exactly was carrying the team to these wins the last two years? Was it all Tyrod? And if so whats with the hardball and refusal to endorse him? Was it Eric wood and Lorenzo carrying all the dead weight? How does one reconcile TERRIBLE COACHES and every premiere player needing to go but also middle of the pack results?
  16. Yea but I think to some degree the coughlin rep is a story thats slightly exaggerated. He carried his share of guys that were a handful through his successful years. Thats the thing in the salary cap era- you need a few guys where you trade off leadership/motivation for elite speed/strength and to lean on your coaching staff to keep them performing at their best.
  17. They are on their third string qb. Apparently have the worst coach in the league. Have terrible culture. Were hit by a hurricane and until less than 24 hrs ago were tied with us. We are a board of extremes tonight. Fridays bringing the bold statements
  18. It was said to be him being on the roster and them making the playoffs.... Dude likely pictured it on sacks not playoffs
  19. Time to hope that they win out and put a hurt on some wildcard teams on their way to the division. If its a 5th and its because they got the last wildcard and we are outside looking in... thatd hurt.
  20. As kirby points out though - is Tanner Vallejo and... Andre Holmes(? Or dimarco? Or groy though a little high on the price comps) better for this team than even mediocre dareus? Whatd be really Billsy is if we end up signing a mediocre vet DT to replace him and that guy costs us a comp pick one day. Itd be like a TBD perfect storm.
  21. His point was that the marginal savings in cap vs keeping him til AFTER 2018 was minimal and then the dead hit would be much lower. Essentially wed be getting the benefit of maybe he steps up without just having the downside of 90% of the same cap hit.
  22. The obvious next question is did doing stuff like sending him home from the preseason game help his value
  23. In a league where you can carry money over and arent spending money mid season typically... it means very little to a team unless the move wouldve otherwise put them over the cap this year. Its essentially taking money out of one pocket and putting it in your other while on your way to the store that is 2018 free agency. Changes little unless theres a real surprise along the way.
  24. The board tonight sounds a lot like the day marshawn was traded. Hopefully this works out better.
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