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Everything posted by NoSaint

  1. Agreed though it bears careful watching. The president pressuring organizations to fire employees for dissent against the government is not a good look. Is his statement enough to cross the line? Probably not. Is it inappropriate? Certainly is. Do you think goodell was very cautious in his reply hoping to stand up for his players without receiving punishment? I do. And that's a problem.
  2. When you put just about anyone above him in value, it does imply some level of distaste.
  3. They are what we hope to be in two years, essentially. What they become is an unknown but second year qb, lots of young talent and a lot of hope. They might flop, but that's the reality of restarting like we appear to be doing too in two years we likely have "our qb" for better or worse, a lot of high draft picks and hopefully infusing some playmakers from outside
  4. I'll keep echoing that it makes sense if you buy he's weak pre-snap. It's much harder to throw intermediate over the middle (into the crowd) if you aren't reading the safeties and linebackers well before the snap
  5. Obviously I wasn't implying you hate him or wish him ill. I'm getting at "if you are worried about history repeating itself, what do you see as the cause?"
  6. I agree he doesn't deserve to be a #1 If we tendered him better he's also likely still gone now I think week one of 2017 if he were a bill he'd potentially be above the rookie and the late addition that didn't practice much and isn't a real #1 either though. Long term, who knows. And I'm no hogan lover.
  7. The peterman love is better than the jeff tuel obsessions. But not by a wide margin.
  8. That's kind of what I'm trying to actually do here though. So it's not a structural issue in his body. It's not his style of play. Other than the broken ribs there's not a lot of subjectivity to the other two (i.e. He isn't making it up or exaggerating) So you are betting on him being somehow cursed at this point? Or is there another explanation that ties his past together in a way that justifies worries about his future?
  9. Would be our #1 and is a #1 are two different discussions in this case
  10. A year doesn't sound like a lot but it really is a substantial difference. For real bar napkin math if all are 25 for the average team, a quarter of our roster would be 30 to sway it that far. It's a substantial difference in makeup. If we aren't pushing this year I'd rather have that quarter be under not over 25, generally speaking (not a hard rule but for the most part) As a doctor, what do you propose ties a propensity to have a foot injury, a broken rib, and a concussion? It's not a reoccurring injury or even remotely consistent type to blame his body. Those beating the drum loudest overlap the crowd saying he avoids hits so it's not his style of play. Could it just be dumb luck with the foot and that concussions are a huge focus right now (and he might not even miss time so is it even an injury worth pointing at yet??)
  11. And any extension you almost have to expect an injury to mess up a year of... it's just a lot to expect an NFL player to be dominant and healthy through his rookie deal AND he's big second deal
  12. Another one of my honest, non pointed questions (I don't know the answer).... Who was the last player to have any serious voiding of a contract/guarantees?
  13. Granted, if he's that bad and is right- the decision will really be underscored as exceptionally silly
  14. Because they are a free hold and you never know when you might need them or get something for them - crazier things have happened. But the wildly varying approach to holding resources has been hard to decipher here (players, scouts, etc...)
  15. If it takes all our top 32 to get the qb it's a little less exciting in the short term
  16. What about his build is tying together a foot injury and a concussion though?
  17. I'm curious, not because I know the answer but because I suspect watching highlights skews our perception.... how many of those contested deep jump balls where the players come down hard together do you think any given WR wins in a season?
  18. What about his career says he's concussion prone? Will he even miss time here? His foot and brain injury are somehow linked to a pattern?
  19. Any given week will have ups and downs as 1-2 explosive plays can really impact the score... but the WR group being weak and struggling to gain separation is totally expected. Some week say will get that catch and maybe another and it'll look hopeful but on a whole I don't think we have the talent to do it week in and week out (even healthy yet alone when injury strikes)
  20. I never had the impression this was tied to him loving Rex. Perhaps the opposite really. Sammy just wanted a functional team, best I could tell.
  21. Much easier to say today than if year 3 is a flop. Obviously a long way to go on that discussion though and hopefully we don't have to have that talk
  22. The best part will obviously be after we Gut the roster and 2 years are a wash - if the third year is slow we can hire someone to swap schemes completely again
  23. The tricky part is how few see that offer and how long they play before getting a penny
  24. But apparently now he's gritty? Not like when he was that big softy playing with broken ribs or trying to force his way on the field when he should've hung it up for surgery earlier last year.
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