1) I’m fine with pushing hard within the rules. I’m not big on cheating. I also probably come across as being on that side for some of the similar reasons you replied to this thread the way you did. I think we have folks here that get so overzealous trying to point everything out that it gets to be a “c’mon man” on some of it.
2) I think it’d be fine to fire him if he pulled out the n word verifiably. I don’t think he’d need to be permanently banished from civilization though. Heck, he’s got quite the history and I’m not trying it there protesting his current employment.
Shades of gray and judgment calls and such... Weird to have that in a discussion these days, I know. Racism, wrong (easy red line for me), how to address it varies widely by situation though and no singular answer. I’m down for supporting a baseline of “hey dude, that’s not cool” instead of celebrating it, and making it uncomfortable as a blanket starting point and escalating from there if it’s extreme or impactful. It’s disappointing to me that’s controversial