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Everything posted by NoSaint

  1. these are the interesting underlying structural impacts that I think are really interesting that a lot of even rabid fans don’t catch.
  2. my point being he didn’t say much. Might stay put or trade up or down a little. Probably not up a lot cause it takes a lot lining up is loosely the gist and that’s a really practical statement even from a guy desperate to get there. I don’t believe he hasn’t talked to anyone. Even if on a surface level you don’t think he particularly wants to move up - but you do think he wants to move back… who would he be talking to about those possible moves? Teams at the top of 2. The same teams at the top of the first. ultimately I do believe also that alpha will have his chance to spike the ball and do a victory tour reminding us for all eternity that he was right about the lack of trade up but I think in not an inconsequential part that’s because it’s a lot harder to make a big move than it is to make a small move or no move at all. similar to @BADOLBILZstatements - he’s managing that expectation now. He knows there are viral clips, and his star player saying he’s doing it. He can’t let the fans expect it though even if he’s actively trying because it’s difficult and he has only so much control over it
  3. And knock on wood working on their craft if they are smart it’s an extra year of serious reps, and if they don’t just party and coast on talent - development. once the pool normalizes with fewer juniors coming out, you might see those mid-late picks be a little more ready to contribute with more lifting, more film study, more experience in games etc… heck, even less shock with having big money in their pockets All he needs are 2 draftable guys on his board, or it’s a priority UDFA. Same as every other year.
  4. what’s the one thing he can least afford to say today? Honestly would that worst thing be: “I have a glaring hole at WR1 and need to trade up to fill it”
  5. my take away is you generally heard what you wanted? the summary essentially reads: they aren’t talking to top ten teams… but would be talking to trade back with exactly those same teams they aren’t trading up to the top of the round and don’t want to trade the 1 or 2 unless of course they decide to trade the 1 or 2
  6. Alpha touted him as an mvp candidate caliber player in his you can’t win with a top tier wr posts. it only seems fair he sets the bar
  7. to reconcile this a bit- the star that most disappeared in the playoffs was right to hold his teammates accountable in the playoffs because it was a them problem and not a him problem. also, despite him doing it in an ineffective way, you loved seeing it.
  8. whether to move up from 28, or from 60 I’m near certain it’ll package into a trade and one of those two picks will be a wr… whether edge 28 and wr at the top of the 2nd or a trade up for the big 4 wr… id be shocked if we don’t use it I like his way more
  9. yea, that basically buys you two swings at the position with hopes you can come close to an elite option. I’d probably be ok with the Lawrence tier if arms were twisted but a great qb is such a talent multiplier for the other 52
  10. augie used to drink a lot he still does, but he used to too (and will in the future)
  11. I’m not sure how to spell it out differently I speculated that rashee rice, a talented young receiver - who just wrecked 6 figures worth of cars, facing 7 figure lawsuits, and likely huge legal bills… potentially seeing his earnings reduced by suspension in year 2 of his modest rookie deal could feel very cash poor and at the end of his 3rd year (earliest opportunity) seek an extension to put some cash in his pocket even though he will have very limited leverage
  12. young guy quickly going upside down on cash flow maybe wanting an infusion of new money earlier than he should and without as much leverage think Henry, Travis
  13. but a pairing of Sutton plus a second tier rookie could be a viable bridge across the next 2-3 years with a 4 deep group depending entirely on Suttons price
  14. I like Sutton a lot i have zero grasp on what his compensation would look like (trade or dollars)
  15. I swear to god if this gets kc a very good cheap wr in his prime because he needs money and has a checkered history…. Oh goody, the start of a 3 page doc vs weo loop. lets run away at 119 mph
  16. or you hope that your 50/50 guy works out and you don’t have to spend multiple picks instead of trading up for an 85/15 guy
  17. I didn’t read for full details but seems like a solid plan of action base on the high level I did see
  18. at this point all I think you’ve proven is the chiefs beat everyone and we should all quit watching? or are you advocating that we spend a series of day two picks and large but second tier contracts on guys that actively lose games as the recipe in the wr room? it’s odd for anyone to pretend beane didn’t roughly understand the market last week and this would make him change course.
  19. First of all a parody account but second of all true is an amusing structure
  20. You pencil in no production and enjoy literally anything from them
  21. it’s so important not to use not guilty and innocent interchangeably
  22. I think same page here And have really been talking myself into it post diggs. tight ends normally have a learning curve so we may see a jump there. I like Samuel over Davis if we can improve diggs spot - it could be a hell of a step forward for this group. And I’m not opposed to our weapons being overkill back up those safeties and cook can feast. It’ll take pressure off Josh (imagine him getting to the playoffs much healthier) It lets the defense turn one dimensional and takes pressure off. that patriots team was an absolute scoring machine.
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